Gimme gimme gimme (part 2)

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🎵I ask in all honesty

What would life be?

Without a song or a dance what are we?

So I say thank you for the music

For giving it to me🎵

"Thank you all! Good night!".

The audience screamed at the top of their voices to say goodbye to the band while the four Swedish guys greeted and bowed in front of that festive crowd that had been wonderful, from the first to the last minute.

Frida saw Agnetha approaching her smiling and they intertwined their hands, turning to the audience and bowing, making them scream even more. Suddenly, she felt her left hand squeezed and then Benny's fingers intertwined with hers. She turned to him and found him standing beside her, smiling and with sparkling eyes, just before he walked up to her and kissed her on the corner of her mouth.

Frida smiled, red in the face, and then they all turned back to the audience and bowed together one last time, before running behind the scenes.

Avoiding wires, seats, tools and people, Frida loosened the iron grip that Benny had on her hand and hurried backstage towards their trailer.

She turned briefly behind her, seeing him not far, staring at her with a mixed look of joy, mischief and confusion as he tried to reach her. Frida smiled and ran to their trailer.

Benny hurried his pace to catch up with her, doing the knee-jerk and nearly crashing into a chest. It was time for clarification, it was time to talk... It was time to explain to him what the hell she meant by "I'm pregnant"... Said in the middle of a concert... After a furious fight...

"What does it mean you are pregnant?" he asked her in a moment of break...


Benny nearly knocked the piano seat to the floor when finally there was a break interlude of a few minutes, enough for the band members to change some instruments and have a quick refresh, and he rushed over to Frida who was on her way to drink something.

He grabbed her by the arm and spoke in her ear, turning their backs to the audience "What did you mean?".

Frida looked at him out of the corner of her eye and took a long sip of water from her glass "What?".

Benny's eyes widened in disbelief "What 'what'?! What, you ask me?! Didn't you tell me you're pregnant?!".

Frida smirked "That's right" and took another sip, never looking at him.

Benny stared at her dazed and incredulous. She turned to him and laughed.

"Love, did you understand me?" she pushed a few locks out of his eyes.

"Yes, I understood you very well..." he stared at her with eyes always wide open, spreading his arms "But... But you...".

Frida put down her glass and turned to him, taking a deep breath "All the drama you did earlier... All your talking about not wanting to know more about me because I've a supposed affair with Tomas..." she shook her head, laughing briefly "Well, If you're going to dump me because you believe that Tomas and I are together, at least do me the kindness to leave me our home, because I won't raise my son under the bridge, are we clear?" she put a finger under his chin and closed his mouth, returning to the microphone.


Benny laughed to himself and jumped over a string of cables before exiting to the back of the stage, seeing Frida's red hair disappear behind the door of their trailer.

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