Lay all your love on me (part 4)

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Frida quickened her pace as she tried to avoid a large puddle in the street, holding the umbrella tightly in her hand despite the wind that seemed to get stronger with every turn she made and that tried to snatch it away.

She turned her face briefly to her right, surveying the noisy dark sea under the gray sky. It was almost a disaster-movie landscape, yet it gave her courage and strength, having the firm belief that that turmoil of nature was electrically linked to her inner turmoil.

Despite the terrible and worsening weather, her step was determined, her gaze fixed forward, without ever wavering or having second thoughts. She was a woman on a mission and she wouldn't have returned home if she had not completed that mission.

Like a vision, a few meters from her, the luminous sign of a small pub in the area that she was looking for materialized and, if it were possible, she increased her pace even more, making her way through the people.

Frida hurried in and closed the black umbrella, shaking it quickly and entering. A gust of warm air hit her full in the face and she smoothed her long, wind-blown hair, taking a deep breath and looking around with surgical precision. Finally, her eyes fell on her target.

Frida pushed her way between the tables occupied by customers, barely avoiding a waiter who passed her. As she moved, she reached into the shoulder bag she was carrying and pulled out a newspaper.

The sharp sound of the newspaper almost forcefully hurled onto the table immediately interrupted the chat of the table occupants. Frida smirked with a serious, almost glacial look.


The two women at the table looked up at her with shocked expressions.

"Happy to see me? I think not. Same for me" Frida continued, clicking her tongue and moving the third empty chair of the table, sitting down between the two.

"What do you want?".

Frida smirked even more, crossing her legs and adjusting the bright raincoat she was wearing better. She felt strong, secure, just wanting to silence someone.

"Oh, don't worry, Christina. I won't waste too much time here. I just came to tell you two things and then our lives will continue as always fortunately on two different tracks" Frida gave her a false smile and then tapped her finger a couple of times on the newspaper that she had abandoned on the table just before "Take a look here".

Christina frowned at her, her lips parted, one hand still tight around the cup of steaming tea she was drinking "How did you know you could find me here?".

"Oh" Frida snorted "You always go to the same places every day, it's not hard to find you. Now read, please".

Slowly, Christina looked down at the newspaper and began to read with a smug look.

Frida never move her gaze from her face, not even for a second, but instead she pursed her lips and crossed her hands on her knee, repeating to herself not to lose her temper.

Christina scoffed "So what? What do you want to prove with this?".

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Certainly not to you. I just wanted to show you how wrong you were, how futile your attempts to bring him down were. I just wanted to show you what you've lost" Frida told her in an almost hissing tone.

Christina leaned on her chair and smiled sarcastically "You're very excited for a little bit of fame, girl".

Frida chuckled, shaking her head "Fame has nothing to do with it" she said seriously "For me, he could be forever a man that goes to the factory to work all day and then plays in the basement for fun. It wouldn't make any difference, I would love him just the same. Just as much if not more. Hard to understand, isn't it, girl?" Frida retorted acidly "I'm just here to tell you that he made it. He did it thanks to himself. He's fine, he's having fun, he's doing what he loves and his talent is recognised. He did it and you can't do anything about it".

Frida stared at her for a few moments and then shook her head, a slight smirk on her lips. She got up and took the paper back, stuffing it into her purse. She turned to walk away from there when Christina's voice stopped her again.

"He could at least send me some tickets. How rude. You educated him well, I see".

Frida closed her eyes and for the umpteenth time ordered herself not to fall into her provocations. She slowly turned around and smiled snakily at her "If you really think you're on his mind, you're so wrong. I came here looking for you because I've been looking forward to being able to throw your defeat in your face. And, I'm sorry, but if you want to go and listen to him, you'll have to pay for the tickets like the others" and she turned again to walk away, but then stopped again, the index finger of her right hand raised in the air "Oh yeah, how careless I am! It's sold out! I'm so sorry. It will be for another time. Bye bye" and with that she walked away towards the exit, not needing to hear another single word from that woman.

When she was out of there, Frida took her umbrella to open it, but then she stopped, staring at the road ahead. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then took a few steps forward and raised her face towards the now pouring rain that drenched her in a short time, but on her skin it almost felt like a balm. An end. A closed chapter. A rebirth.

A smile took possession of her lips.


Benny reread the entire list in front of him, making sure he'd cut out all the written entries.

"The toothbrush! Damn it" he muttered to himself and quickly headed to the bathroom to get the last few things to pack. Halfway down the corridor, he stopped when he heard the key in the keyhole of the door, which immediately opened.

"Hey... What... the hell happened to you?!" Benny scowled, approaching her.

Frida watched him chuckling and placed the umbrella in the small stand next to the door "It's raining".

He snorted "I see it, but I didn't need you to test it to confirm it".

Frida's smile widened even more and she came closer to him, crossing her arms around his neck and kissing him.

Benny groaned at the touch of her wet clothes and placed his hands on her hips, chuckling against her lips.

"Babe, you're drenched!".

"I know".

"You've to take off these wet clothes".

"I thought you'd take care of that" she replied in a low tone, caressing his cheek and brushing her lips with his, starting to push him backwards.

Benny laughed "So romantic" and he pulled her to him, kissing her "Well, thanks to you I'll have to take off these clothes too, now...".

"Ah! Perfect. Mission accomplished!" she replied amused and continued to make him back away, taking the toothbrush from his hand and throwing it who knows where towards the small living room.

Benny chuckled and ducked his head, claiming her mouth, his fingers diving into her long, damp hair to position her for his kiss, and Frida's hands began to tug at his sweatshirt to take it away from him, pulling him closer at the same time.

One of her hands slipped under his shirt, caressing and scratching his stomach.

He hissed "Woman, your hands are freezing!".

Frida laughed and bit his lower lip "We'll fix it right away" and pushed him faster down the hall.



lialyngstad : This chapter and the next one are here thanks to you xD 

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