I still have faith in you (part 7)

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Note: You said super fluff story, right? Perfect xD
("part 7" is not a mistake, but there will be a part 6, continuation of part 5... later)


"Very good. Very good. Now we just need to fix the voice on the third track and we're done for today. Promise!".

Frida sighed and bit her right thumbnail with her teeth for a few seconds, looking at the clock above the door to the recording room for the hundredth time.

"Everything ok, Frida?".

Frida looked up at the glass where she could see Phil "Yes. Yes. Everything ok".


Frida giggled and brought the headphones around her neck, fixing her hair "Let's just try to be quick, I have an urgent appointment that I have to go to".

Phil smiled and spoke into the microphone "I promise I'll make you fly, Mrs.".

They both giggled and Frida stuck her tongue out at him before putting the headphones back on and waiting for the music to start.

She had time, she just had to do everything fast enough and then get out of there. She hated rushing things, but desperate times call for desperate measures...


"See you on Monday!" Frida closed the door behind her and hurried along the corridors of the studio, towards the exit.

"Woah! Watch out!".

Frida collided lightly against Inga and giggled, grabbing her elbow to prevent them both from falling to the ground.

"Sorry, Inga! I hadn't seen you".

Inga chuckled "I can see it! Where are you going so fast?".

"I have a carriage waiting for me outside and I'm already late" Frida laughed, bypassing the woman and walking backwards.

"Oooh, I see! Say hello to your helmsman!" Inga winked at her.

"Count on it! See you Monday!" Frida yelled at her, walking quickly towards the exit.


"All right, here we are, crew" Benny announced, parking quickly and keeping the engine running to keep the heater going. Although there was no snow, the day was particularly cold despite the various announcements of warmer days with the arrival of spring.

"Daddy... Me wit you?".

Benny quickly looked out the window, trying to see if Frida was already out, and then he turned to the back seat "Do you want to come up front with me? Ok, buddy. Come here" and he reached over to undo the seat belt and pull him towards him.

When Benny ushered him into the passenger seat, Aleksander immediately knelt on the seat and then lunged for Benny's lap, then pressed his face and hands against the window, looking for his mother.

"Where mommy?".

"She'll be here any minute" Benny chuckled, stroking his back in slow circular motions.

Aleksander sighed long and somewhat dramatically and then sat down better on Benny's legs, gripping the steering wheel with both hands and starting to make noises with his mouth like an engine, occasionally looking up to see if he was watching him.

"Where are you taking me, buddy?".

"Ice cream!".

Benny laughed, squeezing his shoulders "At the ice cream shop? Don't you think it's too cold for an ice cream?".

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