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For this one, it's all her fault ---> lialyngstad (🌷).



Furious to no end, Frida grabbed her suitcase and duffel bag from the trolley that had just been dragged there by an airport employee. Her gestures were determined and irritated. She couldn't believe it.

Her husband, Benny Andersson, with whom she had been married for just 5 months, he was already pissing her off like never before. No, not that day in particular, since the day before and the day before that...

He had been an immature asshole for a week or more, If she was to be honest.

Every time she saw that teasing smirk pop up on his face, she really wanted to hurt him with something sharp or at least heavy.

He had probably made it his monthly mission to make her lose her temper from when she opened her eyes in the morning to when she closed them at night. And the results were excellent.

"Madam, can you put your bags on this tape, we'll be embarking them shortly".

Frida looked up in surprise at the girl in the phosphorescent green jacket who with a smile was pointing out to her a rotating ribbon connected directly to the belly of the private plane they were supposed to take to fly to Paris for a new concert.

Without saying a word and frowning, Frida handed the two suitcases to the girl and then walked away a few steps, looking towards the plane and waiting for them to bring the ladder up.

She was a little further back from the large, noisy group of them just behind her, but she didn't mind. She was in no mood to make small talk.

She looked to her right towards the horizon and her eyes caught the familiar figure of Benny.

'Asshole' she thought immediately.

He was all smiling and happy and funny, as always, while she was pissed off and sulking alone. Two sides of the same coin. Maybe, she didn't know anymore.

She remembered quickly a couple of hours earlier, when in the middle of the night, in their villa, she had started yelling at him the second they had passed the front door.

She had started to vent the second the door of the house had closed.

He wasn't supposed to make fun of her. He wasn't supposed to laugh with the others about her. He wasn't supposed to flirt with other women with her present... And even without her present!

Probably it might have not been the right thing to do, yelling at him the way she did, because it was very late, because they had to rest, because they were frustrated with each other... And because he'd yelled back.

He had answered each of her reproaches, with valid reasoning from his point of view.

If there was anyone who needed to take herself a little less seriously, it was her. If there was anyone who had to stop seeing enemies on every corner, it was her. If anyone was becoming a boring broken record with her fears and jealousies, it was her.

At those words, she got even more angry, so much so that she opened the cabinet full of all kinds of china and glasses and started throwing them at him.

Frida ran a hand over her face as she remembered the scene she had made. In particular, it was the cups from the Liberty collection, a wedding present, that had seen the worst.

Then, he had started laughing, dodging every piece she threw at him while screaming like a maniac.

When her strength had failed her and she was breathing heavily and the pieces of plates and glasses had halved sharply, he had started to tell her that this was all ridiculous, that she was capable of creating problems in her head that made her seem crazy because she had serious trouble trusting him.

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