I still have faith in you (part 5)

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"No, mom, really...".

"Don't even joke!".

"Mom, listen to me! At least try it on and then...".

"Lotta, stop! I won't try anything! I don't even know how it got there in my closet!".

"It must have materialized for you to try it" Lotta told her knowingly and Frida glared at her.

"I, on the other hand, have the feeling that it has materialized thanks to some magical little hand. And I don't even want to know why".

"Come on, mom..." Lotta moaned, grabbing her wrist with both hands and stopping her from continuing her march towards the stairs.

A couple minutes earlier, she had followed her mother into the bedroom to help her arrange some of her clothes, when she had discovered a large white bag inside the wardrobe that she hadn't recognised. Opening it, she had found a beautiful dress inside: black, elaborate, elegant... simply gorgeous.

Frida had immediately frowned, confused, not understanding where that dress came from, but Lotta had begun to insist on letting her wear it. Of course, things were never easy with her mother, in fact she had started putting up a grueling resistance, confused and wanting to know whose dress that was.

So far Lotta's plan hadn't been going well. She had to go the hard way.

"Lotta... Listen..." Frida told her seriously, turning towards her.

"No, you listen to me!" Lotta told her dryly. Frida looked at her with raised eyebrows in surprise.

"Mom, for once in your life, can you avoid being suspicious and follow the directions that others give you without asking questions?" Lotta asked almost begging her.

Frida looked at her for a few seconds and then said "No" and tried to free herself from her grip.

"Mom!" Lotta whined again, tightening her grip on her.

Despite everything, Frida laughed, a little amused and a little annoyed by that surreal situation "Bambina, can you explain to me what's going on, please?".

Lotta was about to speak when Heléne came up from the stairs.

"Are you still like this?" Heléne said to Frida, then looked at Lotta "What have you been doing up to now?!".

"As If it were a piece of cake to convince her!" Lotta retorted.

Heléne looked at the watch she had on her wrist "But it's very late, we...".

"Hey! Stop! Are you going to tell me what the hell is going on here?" Frida stopped them, crossing her arms across her chest, now irritated.

The two girls looked at her and then at each other, communicating in silence.

Heléne then stepped forward "Frida, please. Trust us. Go back to your room and put on the dress you found in the closet. We'll help you with your hair and make-up...And some jewelry".

"The heart pendant necklace is beautiful" Lotta interjected.

"Yes, that is beautiful. But also the drop of sapphire..." Heléne replied.

"But why?" Frida interrupted them "What's going on? Why do I have to dress so elegant in a dress that isn't even mine? What is it even doing in my closet?".

"Well, think about it mom: who could have bought you such an expensive dress and left it in your closet?".

Frida looked at her for a moment and then she said "Benny? But why?".

Heléne took her by the hand and began to walk back towards the bedroom "This is not up to us to tell you, it's up to you to find out. So, let's go".

When Frida was about to argue, Heléne put a finger on her lips "Frida... Trust us, ok?" and pulled her into the room.

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