Just a notion

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The first time he had met Anni-Frid Lyngstad, Frida for short, had been in Malmö, in March. She played together with Charlie Norman at the restaurant "Kramer" and he together with Hep Stars and Björn at "Arkaden". It was a very short meeting, he couldn't remember much of that day and night, no matter how hard he tried or wanted, but he remembered her and her voice and her long, soft hair and her eyes...

But he could remember everything perfectly of their second meeting.

It was at the radio special "Midnight Hour".

According to Frida, it had only been a few weeks later that they had fallen for each other in the sense of love. But he was sure he had probably been head over heels for her since the first time, but surely since the second.

She claimed that she had thought he was an asshole, so full of myself. He had seemed so superficial and cocky, her temper had flared when he had seemed more interested in what she'd do after the show than at the work to do, when he had bombarded her with questions about whether she wanted to have dinner with him and that she was beautiful rather than start playing the piano.

In fact, he had shamelessly stared at her. He had been excited to be able to work with her and spend time together, trying to discover something more from that melancholy young woman who seemed to hide who knows what story behind her eyes heavily made up with pencil and mascara. At that time, he was already famous with his band, everything in his life was going well: music, friends, fame, women, fun... children at home that were thriving even If he was almost completely cut off from that painful and confusing part of his life. And so he couldn't really conceive that there was an emptiness in his whole being at the end of the day, when the lights went out, the door closed behind everything and everyone, leaving him feeling worn and alone every night.

"Okay, I think we're really done here" she smiled while she put her things on her bag and started to grab her purple coat, her eyes shimmering in the evening light, like two green pools. The light of the place highlighted her little flecks on her chest that were almost invisible most of time but that he had noticed and attracted him like honey to bees.

There had been times in those few days that they had worked together that he had felt great inspiration pinching his fingers. He had never had any problems until then, but that woman was able to inspire him in different ways, she was able to make him want things he had totally expelled from his mind and from his life for some time now.

It had been a long time since he had locked his heart in an impenetrable iron box, throwing away the key who knows where, but she had managed to slip inside it, without even wanting to.

"Are we?" he asked, putting his hands in his pockets as he watched her get dressed.

She looked up as she fixed her hair "Yeah. You'd be happy, you won't have to by my shoulder anymore now" she said faking haughtiness as she pulled back a lock of her hair theatrically and finishing the sentence with a laugh.

He chuckled with her "Oh, it wasn't so hard, you know?".

She chuckled "It wasn't hard for me either. But you're free anyway" she winked at him.

He nodded lightly and then shook his head "It doesn't have to be, you know?".

She turned to him again and stopped, confused. She arched a perfect brow with interest and intriguing, biting her lower lip "What do you mean?".

"Well... You know... We could go out for a celebratory dinner".

"Oh my God..." she chuckled, shaking her head "You don't really know what no means, do you?".

He smiled "I know what it means. But... I'd really like to take you out anyway".

"Why?" she crossed her arms over her chest "I know you. I know your story, more or less. And no, not because I looked up at you, but because my roommate is madly in love with you and your group" she rolled her eyes when she saw him smile lightly, not boldly though "Why, Benny? So I can be another one of your conquests?" she asked teasingly.

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