As Good as New (part 1)

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"To our health and our success!".

All around the boys shouted joyfully, toasting and laughing as if there were no tomorrow.

Another concert, another great success. Everything was going well, everything was wonderfully and incredibly well and although they knew it could all end overnight, it was undeniable how good they felt that night and how much they were enjoying themselves.

"And these here" Janne said in an almost conspiratorial tone, pulling out from who knows where a light wooden briefcase "These come directly from Cuba, gentlemen!" opening it, show ing everyone a series of beautiful and very fragrant cigars.

"Ahhh, only the best from you, my dear" Lelle replied, patting him on the shoulder and reaching for a cigar.

"Ha ha!" Janne pulled the briefcase aside, away from Lelle's greedy hands "First my other half of heart. Benny, my love, you do the honor" and he almost offered him the briefcase as one does during a sacrifice.

Benny laughed out loud and sat better on the sofa where he had tiredly abandoned "Oh my love, thank you. I'll cheerish it for good" and chose a cigar.

When everyone had their cigars, they started smoking and the talking and laughing and drinking and joking began again. The atmosphere in the corner of the club they had booked a few days before was serene, lively, but not over the top, at least for the moment.

"And now, gentlemen, it's my turn to give you a present!" Christer said aloud, getting up and approaching the nearby doors of the club "Straight from the best neighborhoods of Örebro... The most beautiful girls you've ever seen!" and within seconds some skimpy, smiling girls walked in, immediately going to embrace Christer.

The others in the group shook their heads, but deep down they were excited to meet new people, even more so if they were female. Within minutes, their booths were packed with rowdy, loud people. The alcohol continued to flow unabated and the smoke from the cigars was poisoning the air so much that it almost felt like there was fog.

Benny laughed as he watched Janne's awkward movements on the dance floor, accompanied by two girls.

"Benny! My friend, are you having fun?" Christer began, abandoning himself next to him on the boot.

Benny laughed, taking a puff on his cigar "Yeah, a lot. You?".

"Ahhh, you can say it loud my friend" he chuckled and they fist bumped together "Look at newcomer Björn having fun there".

Benny looked up and pointed his eyes in his own direction and saw Björn toasting with what must have been yet another glass of wine. Already obviously tipsy.

"Let him have fun, he was good. Very good" Benny chuckled, making a mental note to carry him to his room himself. And to make sure he got into nothing. Poor Agnetha had almost entrusted him to him before leaving and he could not disappoint her.

"Yes, he is. He can be a really good addition to our group" Christer said thoughtfully, taking a puff on his cigar.

"No, he doesn't want to" Benny snorted, shaking his head "He's still very attached to his group, he doesn't feel like switching to another one just yet".

"Well... that means we'll wait for him" Christer nodded, looking at him.

"Yes. But you're getting too serious, Chris. We'll think about that later" Benny smiled slightly and took another sip of his wine.

"You are so right! What the hell am I saying!?" and he shook his head laughing "Now, look for a nice girl, mister. I don't want to see you leave here alone" and he winked at him "Tomorrow we go home and I want you to have a beautiful memory of this city" and he stood up, patting his thigh.

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