Little things

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Frida snorted to try for the umpteenth time to move that annoying lock of hair that kept falling undaunted on her eyes, not helping her in the slightest while it was already a feat to be able to detach her hands from the edge of the rink.

She was leaning against the wall, holding it as if her life depended on it while she watched the others skate more or less very well and thinking about how to sneak away without being noticed so as not to wear skates and therefore have to skate.

She grinned amused when she saw Agnetha pass by her and almost fall to the ground, but with a laugh she saw her pick up the rhythm and stick her tongue out in amusement.

"I won't fall!" Agnetha yelled at her.

"We'll see!" Frida answered with a laugh and watched her skate slowly towards the center of the rink.

At least she had had the courage to jump in. It's not that she didn't like it, on the contrary, she found it an extremely graceful and hard working sport, elegant and fun. But she had never managed to be as good as her friends as a child, even though her grandmother had tried in every way to teach her.

Dancing, singing... That was for her. Skating, no. Simple.

Fortunately, there were only the four of them inside the rink, but all around, even on the bleachers, there were insiders, photographers, journalists and video makers.

Ready to resume and comment on the ruinous falls of the clumsy Frida Lyngstad.

She looked back at the benches in the corner of the dressing corner and then at the black skates beside her. It had really been a long time since she had worn a pair of skates, the last time maybe she still hadn't even moved to Stockholm on second thought.

Her gaze wandered back to the rink, she was really the only one missing. She took a step back, abandoning that wall that was giving her a minimum of courage, and reached down to take her skates, going to sit on one of the benches to put them on. She laced them slowly over her trousers. She smiled, even if she didn't like to skate, she didn't know why but the skates fascinated her, the fact that they gave her foot an incredible leap and grace. Perhaps the only thing that prompted her to wear them at that moment.

"You ready?".

Frida jerked her head up and smiled at Görel "No" she snorted.

Görel smirked and squatted next to her, helping her to straighten her pants "You don't have to" she murmured shortly after, looking briefly into her eyes.

Frida sighed and made a face "I know... But I'd look like a loser if I didn't skate with them".

Görel frowned slightly, sitting next to her "And who says that?" she murmured, her gaze fixed on her skates, as if not to draw attention to them.

Frida looked at her for a few moments and then replied "Nobody... I... I mean... I've already talked with the guys and... Well, they already teased me enough" she huffed, trying to minimize the thing.

"Agnetha?" Görel said almost incredulous.

"No. Not Agnetha" Frida immediately explained.

Görel sighed and shook her head "Your husband and Björn'd need a good lecture sometime" she looked towards the rink and then to Frida again "But don't do it if you don't want to. Who cares if they make fun of you. And then, let me hear them and you'll see how they'll regret having done it...".

Frida chuckled slightly and stood straighter "Thanks, honey. But I'll give it a try anyway" she said sure.

"As soon as you don't feel like it anymore, come right back here. Promise me" Görel said, putting a hand on her arm.

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