Lay all your love on me (part 3)

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"Is it clear? Good, you need to practice breathing with your diaphragm: inhale deeply letting your belly come out freely, keeping the rest of your body still and relaxed. Then exhale by gradually pulling the belly in. Is it hard? Don't worry, it's normal! Ok? Well, we're done for today, see you next week and we'll pick up from here. Thank you all!".

Frida applauded briefly together with the other classmates when Clara finished speaking and smiled satisfied. Here was her world: singing. It came naturally to her, she loved learning more and more and she dreamed of a future in that field. But she didn't let it go to her head. She had managed to participate in that singing course thanks to the money earned from her sewing work together with her grandmother. Worked and sweated, but with great satisfaction.

But the expenses were there every month and she couldn't slack off, while she continued to take her course, she had to work along with her grandmother.

She sighed and smiled as she put on her jacket. Besides the month's work, her personal goal of that period was to be able to sew a large red and white scarf.

She smiled amused. Her first gift to Benny as a girlfriend. Thinking about it again, she couldn't believe it. From that fateful evening where their friendship had already sunk for her and instead the most absurd and wonderful adventure she had ever had the idea of living had begun.

Now, weeks later, she still felt a flutter in her stomach when she thought of them. Together.

He was... the same as always, but so much more. He was the usual carefree, the usual incredible chatterbox, funny and pungent at the same time... But he was also sweet, he was romantic, he was adventurous, he was physical. He'd always been very fond of physical contact, but now she'd seen a near-necessity he had to always have physical contact with her when they were together, whether it was a hand clasped or an arm across her shoulders or a kiss on the head.

And that was fine with her. She had always considered herself a woman so eager for physical contact, but also very independent and solitary. Instead he had entered her most intimate routine like a tornado and had turned everything upside down. She loved hugging him, stroking his hair, mapping the veins of his slender and strong hands with her fingers, kissing him...

Frida felt her cheeks turn red and in silence she put her things in her bag and took her jacket, ready to leave the room. She quickly said goodbye to her other classmates and Clara, promising to meet her the following Tuesday for a coffee together and left.

The evening was chilly, but the sky was clear of clouds, showing a black carpet speckled with wonderful little stars. Frida hinted a smile and lifted the scarf over her mouth, trying to cover herself as much as possible. She started walking towards the bus stop, when she heard a particular whistle nearby.

She stopped abruptly and turned to her left, finding Benny leaning against his car a short distance away. A smile on his face as he raised his hand to wave.

Since they'd been together, she didn't know why, but she found a reason to smile at every little thing. Not that she was a serious person per se, but she was more inclined to see the negative, more serious sides of things. He was able to bring out a side of her that even she didn't know.

Frida narrowed her eyes and walked over to him quickly with a smile on her lips.

"And what are you doing here?".

"Need a ride, beautiful lady?" Benny answered by tilting his head to one side, his smile even wider than hers.

Frida giggled and closed the last few meters that distanced them by increasing her pace, arriving in front of him and placing her hands on his chest "Hi!".

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