Chapter 1

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Home is a place or a person that makes you feel loved and important.

''you're the member of this family.''

I never considered this family as home.. especially after that tragedy.. which has been engraved in my mind for more than a decade.
Slowly but surely, making me snap out of my blindness, only to realize how messed up these people are.


You stand from Donquixote family's ship, as the Minion island is slowly crumbling down right before your eyes, thanks to Doflamingo's well known ability - birdcage.

This was truely a horrifying sight, especially for a 12 year old kid.
You desperately look around, searching for your uncle and your best friend..but with no success.
All you heard and saw were tormented people's screams, full of agony, hatred and pain, reminding you yet again, of what kind of people were responsible for these atrocities.
You jump out of the ship and run towards the other side of the shore, trying to catch a glimpse of your "family" members.
You couldn't enter the place because of the cage, therefore you ran around the shore, desperately searching for familiar faces..and then you saw them.

Corazon..your beloved uncle and Doflamingo..the father you wish you never had. Both of them are pointing guns at eachother...

"He's not the same Law who lost track of himself and came to visit a crazy pirate that day.
There's nothing he can gain from you since you're like a child of destruction!"

Corazon continues to speak about Law, you stood there, completely horrified.

"Leave him alone now!

thousands of questions were in your head...Law ate the op-op fruit?
Why was your father trying to kill his own brother? Where is Law?
Corazon turns his head to look at you with the saddest expression on his face.

"But most importantly..I feel bad for Y/n for having to deal with a horrible father like you."

Doflamingo turned even more furious, his veins were popping out of his forehead.

"I hope one day, Y/n realizes your wrongdoings and stops you for good."


you scream on top of your lungs, banging on the cage, desperately trying to get their attention.
But your voice hasn't reached them, as if some invisible force was preventing your voice from being heard.

"The least I can hope is that a sweet child like them won't turn into a monster like you."

Doflamingo lets out an unpleasant laugh, filling you with disgust.

"I'll make sure they will."

A sudden gunshot made you freeze on the spot, your body started trembling uncontrollably as you watch Corazon getting shot over and over again by your father.
You were gripping onto the string cages so tightly that it cut your skin, but you couldn't care less.
You felt nothing but numbness when you saw your beloved uncle, the person you loved the most.. helplessly fall on the ground as the puddle of blood started to surround his body.

You drop on your knees, desperately clenching on the cages as they pierce deeper into your skin, leaving fresh wounds all over your arms and hands.

You couldn't even cry, you couldn't mourn your beloved uncle..and it made you feel awful.

As if Doflamingo has already turned you into an emotionless beast, completely discarding your emotions.

That's what he taught you after all..
You remember quite well when he said
"Emotions are meant to be discarded."
You slowly stand up on your feet and look into the distance where Corazon's body is.
Suddenly, you spot Law walking away..while sobbing.

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