Chapter 50

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You could hear Yamato yelling at the servants who entered his confinement room. Seems like he doesn't like when someone enters his personal space.

"My deepest apologies Yamato-sama! You have a visitor-"

"Tell them to leave! I don't wish to meet anyone."

"But! Kaido-sama ordered us-"

Yamato suddenly throws something across the room. It shatters into pieces, scattering across the room.

"I'm not going to repeat twice."

Servant shrieks in fear and runs out of the room, quickly closing the door behind them.

"As you can see.."

Servant doesn't dare to look at you, perhaps she's too embarrassed.

"Perhaps we could come back later."

She suggests but you calmly reach for the door.


You pull the handle and calmly step into the room.
It's such a mess, besides... the atmosphere is far too cold. The room is a little too dark to your liking..
You remain composed as you hear a loud clicking of shackles across the room.

"Seems like you haven't heard me.."

He suddenly throws an item at you. In a matter of seconds, it shattered across the wall. If you hadn't moved your head, it would've made contact with your face.

"You can seriously hurt someone like that."

He stays silent upon hearing an unfamiliar voice echoing through the room.


You can feel his gaze on you, but you don't know where he's hiding at. It feels like you've stepped into a cage and an animal is awaiting for a right moment to attack you.

"Seems like you need to let off some steam, hm?"

You crack your knuckles and fix your stance. You breathe out, fully concentrating on your hearing.
A clicking of seastone shackles and a slight swish... there he comes.

You clash his giant Mace with a back of your Scythe. This man has got some strength...even though he's covered in seastone.

You put even more force to your scythe, pushing him back and swing your scythe with full force. He counters it with his Mace, the weight of his weapon is far greater than yours, you need to be careful so your scythe doesn't snap in half.
You slip away and take a look at your scythe. A familiar red aura appears, sucking the Haki out of you.
You curse under your breath, upon noticing your strength draining away. Seems like this weapon loves to test you..

"F*ck..not now.."

You mumble and unexpectedly receive a swing from Yamato, you moved your head on time.
His Mace rips off the Curtain from the window, the light finally appears in the room.
Yamato paralyzes on the spot upon seeing her frustrated face. You quickly point your scythe at his neck, breathing out through your mouth.

" Aurora..san ?.."

You can't see his face, it's covered in a Mask. His composure immediately drops, he ignores the sharp tip of your weapon on his neck.

You shake your head and sigh in response.

"I'm Y/n."

You drop your scythe, holding onto your drained arm. It has gotten numb..

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