Chapter 53

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Your clone's Pov.
When nobody was paying attention, you completely drain the Tub, letting Kid and his Crewmate - Killer, catch their breaths.

You quietly slip into the tub without anyone noticing you. Kid was about to start yelling when you cover his mouth, hushing him.


He mumbles but you quickly cut him off. seems like he's still in a right state of mind, even though he has been severely beaten up. Not to mention..he's literally hanging upside down, wrapped in Seastone chains.

"Sh...keep quiet."

You whisper super quietly, you hear Luffy yelling at the soldiers, attacking them one by one.

Kid keeps struggling, that's when you tightly cover his mouth.

"stay QUIET."

He goes silent, squinting his eyes to observe you from head to toe. You're wearing a mask so..he can't really see your face, nor your hair.
He frowns and tries to bite your hand, you snatch it away, feeling extremely annoyed.


you whisper scream and slip off your mask a little, glaring at him.

"'s you."

He frowns even more upon seeing your face, figuring out your identity.
You slip the mask back on.

"The longer you stay quiet, the better. I'll get you out of here."

"I don't need your help."

You sigh, peeking your head out of the tub, quietly observing the Arena.
Luffy continues to fight with Hyogoro, trying to achieve the Ryou technique.

All of a sudden, Big Mom broke into the mine, looking for red bean soup. You stood there dumbfounded, questioning why a LITERAL EMPEROR appeared HERE.

that's when you spot Tama, Chopper Kikunojo and MOMONOSUKE. Although you had a lot of questions, you had to wait a bit and observe the situation.

Queen was immediately angered about Big Mom wanting to take his favorite food, and transformed into a brachiosaurus to confront her.

However, Big Mom slammed his head into the ground  before swinging him around by the neck and throwing him into the wall with monstrous force, leaving him defeated. As Queen flew into the wall, he knocked over the contraption holding Kid and Killer, freeing them.

The tub wasknocked over, luckily you managed to get out of there on time.

Big Mom found Queen's red bean container, only to become depressed as she found it empty.

Luffy then unwittingly revealed that he and Hyogoro had eaten all of it, causing Big Mom to attack them in a fit of rage as she had wanted to "take the red bean soup back to Okobore town and share it with the people there" The whole situation left you to why would that act of kindness suddenly awaken in her?

Big Mom's attacks pushed Luffy and Hyo toward the edge of the sumo ring. You panick and dash towards them but it was too late. However, right before their collars went off, Luffy managed to rip them off.

Luffy recognized that he had done what Rayleigh and you had done on the Sabaody Archipelago, and Hyogoro stated that he had gone beyond projecting his Haki and went a step further to using Haki to destroy objects from the inside.Hyo decided to have Luffy continue training with his life on the line by ordering him to protect him from Big Mom.

You felt relief upon seeing Luffy finally figuring out how to use Ryou.
Luffy tried projecting his Haki to block Big Mom's attack, but was unsuccessful and Big Mom hit him into the wall before chasing him around the entire Prisoner Mine.

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