Chapter 32

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He gives you a warm smile, the one that you've never seen before. You could feel butterflies in your stomach.
You reach your hand to touch his face, he looks unbelievably handsome. You trace his features with your thumb, earning a sigh from him.
Both of you know what is about to happen and neither of you want to stop.

Without losing a second, he pins you down on the bed, hovering over your body.
Your lips find his and you melt into a deep kiss, one that spoke louder than any words could ever have; it's as if your whole body did a sigh in relief. All the tension from before falling off from your shoulder and being replaced by with an unknown warmth.
The kiss started out passionate and slow, but it quickly turned rough and lustful. You were slowly melting into his touch, which was intoxicating..yet so pleasing.
Before you two knew it, whatever clothes you both had were scattered around the floor,
You gave him a permission to explore your body, the amount of pleasure you were feeling was undescribable. It's the kind of pleasure that you could never achieve alone.

You slowly opened your eyes, it felt like your body was in flames. A drop of sweat falls down from your forehead, your breath is exaggerated.
You dreamt of that night...
You dreamt of him..
Slowly, you lift your upper body and sit on the bed, trying to process what you just saw.

The dream was far more detailed than you remembered in your OWN memories.

You cursed under your breath, feeling the dizziness hit you. That's when a towel fell off from your forehead.
Confused..not knowing where it came from.. you looked around the room and spotted Law, casually sitting on a chair with some papers.

"You've finally woken up, huh?"

He didn't take his eyes off of the paper. Your face flashed in red at the sight of him.
He was wearing a half buttoned blouse with loose pants, to top it all off...he was man spreading his legs while sitting on a damn chair. You forced yourself to stop checking him out.

"You had fever all night, I doubt that it went away..."

He glanced up at you,

"Considering that look on your face."

You palmed your face in your hand, feeling your face turning even more red.

"Did I say something...inappropriate?"

He cracked a smirk as you stared at him in disbelief and embarrassment.

"Get the f*ck out."

"Hold on-"

"I'm not going to repeat myself."

He finally complied and left your room.
You grabbed your pillow and screamed in it so hard that your throat started hurting
You were upset, angry and most importantly.. embarrassed. He probably heard you moaning his name while having that DAMN DREAM.

Suddenly, the whole ship started swaying uncontrollably, you heard people yelling outside.
You throw a robe on and run outside, only to see the whole crew in chaos.
Some of that were running around, trying to navigate the ship. The deck was filled up with water. Law was yelling at someone for not taking care of the situation.
You spotted a large Tsunami coming towards the ship, it was about to devour them whole.
Before you knew it, you climbed on top of the ship to get a better view of the Tsunami.
Law was planning to use this ability but someone yelled out your name, which stopped him in his tracks.
Just as the wave was about to Devour the ship, you stop it using your ability. With your shaky hands, you somehow managed to change the direction of the wave and send it back to where it came from.
You finally breath out of relief, but it was short lived when a sudden pain strikes your chest, paralyzing you on the spot. You tightly hold onto a rope, so you wouldn't fall right off.
You heard people's cheers from the deck, but the pain in your chest distracted you from everything. You break out in cold sweat, feeling extremely nauseous.

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