Chapter 40

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"you know damn well I'm not gonna stay in the submarine."

Law is standing right Infront of you, holding a stethoscope against your chest, listening to your lungs.

"Slowly breathe in and out"

He ignores your words and slips his stethoscope under your shirt, the cold metal made contact with your bare skin, it made you slightly shiver in response.
He carefully listens to your breathing pattern, slowly slipping the stethoscope to another side of your chest.
Neither of you have mentioned that "accident" which occured a few days ago. Two of you would've kissed if it weren't for Straw hats barging into the balcony.
You still recalled the moment your lip brushed up against his, making your breath hitch a little.

You quickly glance at your heart which is casually set on the table, plugged go a machine.
You notice that your heart is beating a little too fast, you could feel your face lit up in red.
It freaked you out to see Law's calm and composed facial expression.

"How is he so calm when he's this close to someone?"
You wonder to yourself.

Law suddenly looks up you, seems like your hitching breath has caught his attention.
Then he looks back at your heart, also noticing it beating faster than before.

"Bear with me a little, I know it's uncomfortable."

"Nah, it's fine."

You try to brush it off. It's not necessarily uncomfortable, more like.. embarrassing.

"Lift your shirt up and turn around."


"Hurry up."

You face your back at him and lift up your shirt.
He stops for a moment, you could feel his gaze on you, which made you even more nervous.
"Y/n-ya, I never knew you had a tattoo on your back."

You glance at him, confused.

"What? What Tattoo?"

He lightly taps his finger on your back.

"It's sort of like a Symbol..of a wave? It's uniquely detailed."

How did that get in there?

"Oh! Silly me. I completely forgot about it."

You try to brush it off, still confused on how that "tattoo" got on your back.
You didn't even notice him putting his stethoscope away.

"You can pull your shirt down now."

You snap out of your thoughts and pull your shirt down, turning towards him.
He has opened a drawer, searching through something.

"Your left lung sounds a little off, other than that.. everything seems fine."

You hum in response, observing him from the distance.
"Listen, I know you wish to help us but given by the state you're in.."

"I will only get in your way, I know.."

You finish his words, he sighs in response.

"I still wish to go outside."

"Kaido's subordinates are lurking around in every corner, you'll get in trouble."

"Then I even here? We are in an alliance, WE are supposed to work together to take down Kaido!"

"It will save us a lot of trouble if you stay here."

You felt anger fueling up inside of you.

"You can't tell me what to do."

You respond rather coldly, he turns to you.
You sense his aura drastically shift, catching you by surprise.

"Do you understand the situation you're in?"

He asks rather harshly while shooting a glare at you.

"Your heart is barely beating as it is and you still wish to recklessly put yourself in danger?!"

"Recklessly? I'm aware in what kind of state I am. You're the one who thinks I'm helpless! I'm not a glass Law!"

He sighs out of frustration, pinching his nose bridge.

"You're brother has been getting on my nerves lately, but right now you're on the edge of completely snapping it like a stick. "

He says in a warning tone, you stare at him blankly.
You know there's no point in arguing with a stone headed man like him.


You walk away from him, head out to the balcony.

Law left the submarine with his crew without saying goodbye. Only Jean Bart remained on the deck to watch over the ship, and you.

For a week, you remained in the submarine, regaining back your energy and your muscle.
Law has no idea what you're planning, considering the fact that you haven't done anything rash to catch his attention. Jean Bart makes sure to check up on your condition and report it back to his Captain.
What he doesn't that you've been drawing your blood out of your arms for a while now.


Because you're planning to make a clone of yourself. That alone, requires a significant amount of your blood.

Now, the only problem is the pain in your chest, when you use your powers(doesn't apply to physical). As Law mentioned, it is caused by your Heart's absence in your body.

But you wonder...will you be able to make a clone despite the excruciating pain in your chest?
There's only one way to find out..

You open the jar filled up with your blood and set it on the ground.
Within a finger movement, you slowly start raising it up in air, forming it into a human shape.
A sudden pain in your chest almost makes you spill the blood all over the ground.

You were quick enough to pour it back in the jar, the pulsing pain was too unbearable.

Suddenly, you came up with something.
You walk up to the drawers and search for a painkiller that you can inject into yourself.
After searching through everything, you managed to find one. You take a fresh needle and fill it up with the painkiller, firstly you prep your skin with alcohol by rubbing it with a cotton pad, then you make sure to inject it into a correct vein.

You can feel the aftereffect after using your powers. Left side of your chest feels tight and causing a sudden pinches of pain.
You wait around for a few minutes, waiting for a painkiller to kick in, fortunately it worked.
Then you try again.

You lift up the blood in the air, forming it into a human body, giving it your features.
You felt a very tight feeling on your chest, but it wasn't pain at all. It was bearable... for now.
You smirk in response, admiring your work.
Law is definitely right, you're more stubborn than your little brother.
( '◡‿ゝ◡')

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