Chapter 72

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"How did it go?"

Law asks you about king while checking your hand and reapplying some bandages.

"It went pretty great, he's better of a person than I thought."

He carefully inspects your hand.

"Even if he was our enemy, he raised my sister, which I'm grateful for."

You slightly smile in response but he already notices that you seem a bit off.

"Lami told me about your state when you woke up.."
You don't look at him and keep staring into nowhere. He finishes up reapplying bandages on your arm.

"You were in a dissociative state.."

He suddenly lifts up your chin, forcing you to look at him.

"Mind telling me what's up with you? Your mental state seems concerning."

You stay silent once again and he sighs out, seating himself on a chair Infront of you.
You stand up and he grabs a hold of your hand.

"You're not leaving till you start talking."

Little does he know, you're on a brink of massive break down.
You were cheerfully talking to people the whole day, of course nobody suspected a thing..

Except Law.

He knew you were faking your cheerfulness the whole time.
You look down at the Raven haired man, who still seems to be holding your hand.

"I'm tired."

His grip on your hand tightens 

"I'm tired of constant failure, I'm tired of being weak, I'm tired of MYSELF."

You lock eyes with him.

"Don't try to say that I'm wrong Law. I need to improve myself whether you like it or not."

"I don't oppose the idea of improvement, but I hate the fact that you're being hard on yourself."

He stands up from his seat.

"I know you feel guilty, and think there's no way out of it. "

He holds up your chin to make you look at him.

"Everything will gradually fade away. I believe that you will get better."

He releases your chin, you lean in and rest your head on his chest. You wrap your hands around his torso, holding him as humanly close as possible. He rests his face on your head while embracing you.

"Who am I to you?"

Law was caught by surprise, but keeps embracing you. He slips his hand in your hair, gently caressing you.

"I don't know."

You sigh but before you could pull away, he continues.

"But whenever I see you, my heart skips a beat. You're someone that I care too much for, to the point where I can't think about anything else...other than you."

He keeps you secured in his arm, preventing you from looking at his face.

"There were numerous times when you were close to death, even thinking about it makes me feel...overwhelmingly anxious. Losing you would be something that I'd never recover from."

He's trying his best to express how he feels.

"When...I found out that you were marrying that man, it felt like I was stabbed in the chest.."

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