Chapter 42

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your mother - Aurora. She loved to was her passion.

Lightened up torches surrounding the field in a circle, the grass filled with countless of flowers. The sky is so clear, you can see the beautiful stars up close, along with the full moon.
The grass swishes pleasantly as the soft wind brushes across your face, the sight Infront of you is truely breathtaking.

Your mother has been dancing in the center of the field for hours now. You can hear the drums and the music but strangely enough, you don't know where it's coming from.
Her Gorgeous Kimono swishes gracefully as she her feet move in perfect sync to the beat of the music.
Her fan makes a pleasant click sound whenever she opens it, the movement of her body can be described as calm water flow, slowly emerging into waves, full of rage and disaster. The dance itself progressively becomes faster, even the nature around you begins to change.

The wind becomes stronger, causing the lighten up Torches to flicker. Even the flowers start dancing due to strong wind's contact.

Aurora remained extremely elegant and professional till the very end, she fell on her knees out of exhaustion.
Scared, you run up to her and hand her a cup of Water.

"Mom! You did great"

She gives a warm smile despite being out of breath, she seems to be holding onto her chest.

"Thank you sweetie.."

"Who taught you this dance?"

Being a curious little kid, you have a lot of questions.

"My mother, Yui."

She proceeds to drink the cup of water you've brought her.

"Grandma? Where is she now?"

She looks a little taken back by your question, her smile drops a little.

"She's in Wano."

"Wano?! Can we visit her someday?"

She caresses your cheek, giving you a sad smile.

"I don't think that's possible sweetheart. Wano is locked country, remember what you read?"

You sigh out of disappointment, recalling the book you've read.

"Perhaps one day... Wano might become an open country, you'll be able to go to there and visit Grandma!"

"What about you, mom?"

She carefully picks you up in her arms and gently hugs you.


You felt her breath hitch, is she crying?...

"I...might not be able to come with you, Grandma doesn't like me so much."

You hug her back, she leans in and kisses your forehead.

"Don't cry mom..."

She sniffs, you carefully observe her face since you've never seen your mom openly cry Infront of you.

"I don't care if grandma doesn't like you! You're the best! I love you mom!"

She gives a soft smile while her tears keep trickling down her face.
You reach out your little hands and wipe off her tears.

"Haha, you think so? I love you too sweetheart."

You slowly open your eyes and smile upon seeing this dream. miss her a lot.

You've quietly left the submarine in the middle of the night and left your clone there.

You aren't worried about anyone finding out because that clone acts exactly like you, part of your consciousness is connected to it after all.

Whatever happens on the submarine will also be known by you, it is all thanks to that clone.
You decided to stay the night at an abandoned house and accidentally fell asleep.
Now that you've woken recall the dream in details.
Mother said your Grandmother lives here..but it has more than a decade, you wonder if she's still alive?..

"I...might not be able to come with you, Grandma doesn't like me so much."

You recall her words and try not to think about the real reason why she said it..

She knew she wouldn't live that long to go back..
You shake your head, not letting the negative emotions get to you.

You wonder what she meant when she said...Her own mother didn't like her.

Perhaps it was an excuse? Who knows?

You sent out a water made bird in order to track down your Allies, obviously you weren't going to stay by Law nor let him know that you've left. You don't want an another lecture.
You connect your eyesight to the water bird and spot two familiar people's presence in Okobore Town.
Your bird flew down to take a closer look. There seems to be Luffy, Zoro and two unknown women there. After overhearing their conversation through your bird, turns out a woman named Tsuru has invited the two straw hats at her tea shop.
The other woman is named Kiku, she seems to be tea house poster girl. Tsuru offered to repay them for helping her by taking them to her tea house and brewing an herb to cure for a Child Luffy has brought. The Child's name is Tama..
She was poisoned by polluted water.

Without wasting any moment, you arrive to Okobore town. Zoro and Luffy immediately sense your presence from the distance.
As you were walking up to the Tea shop, Luffy dashes towards you and jumps in your arms, hugging you.


You cover his mouth.

"SHHHH, Law doesn't know I'm here! Keep quiet will ya?"

Your scarf suddenly falls off from your hair. You curse under your breath and pick it up from ground, putting it back on. Thankfully, you still have your mask on.
You made sure to put a ful face mask on before entering the city, since you're a wanted person here.

"So, you're feeling better now?"

Zoro Suddenly appears Infront of you two.

"Much better."

He looks at you doubtfully.

"Then why do you want us to keep your presence here a secret to Torao?"


maybe he's right.

"I'm not sure why but he's being very protective these days, he has been getting on my nerves lately."

"I see.."

You turn to the women Infront of you, they look like they've seen a ghost.

"No way.."

Kikunojo says, her mouth is palmed by her hand.

"You..your hair.."

The tea shop owner, Tsuru speaks up this time but words got stuck in her throat.
You turn to Luffy and Zoro, confused. They mirror your expression, looking just as puzzled as you.

"Don't show it anywhere, you'll get in trouble."

Tsuru states as she turns away to clean the table. A young kid named Tama also seems to be observing you curiously.

"Why? there a problem with my hair?.."

You don't feel offended, rather.. perplexed.

"Seems like you don't know.."

Kiku was about to continue when Tsuru stops her.

"Let's save this for later, I want to tell you all about the state of this place first.."

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