Chapter 6

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You get on the ship and your subordinates immediately greet you.
"Get me a boat."

You order them.

"Your highness, what for?"

You glare at them.

"Do I have to report everything to you? Hurry up. Return to dressrosa without me."

You hold up the den den Mushi Law gave you, hesitating whether you should call him or not.
You haven't stopped thinking about him ever since you met him back in Archipelago.

Truth to be told, you don't know how to act if you see him again, but the urge to see him grows more and more as the time goes by.


He picks almost swallowed your tongue.

"Hey- it's Y/n."

"Y/n-ya? I was hoping you'd call. Did something happen?"

You smile, seems like that habit of adding "ya" to someone's name hasn't changed.

"Are you close to Rubeck Island by any chance?"
He talks to his subordinates and then responds.

"It's couple hours away, why?"

"Appearantely, that's the place where Corazon's... grave is. "

After a couple seconds of silence he hums in response.

"The location is *** *** ****"

"I'll be there as soon as possible."

"Great, I'll meet you there."

"Thank you, Y/n."

You hang up, feeling overjoyed. It wasn't too bad, was it?

"One bottle of Sake please."

You enter one of the bars that caught your attention.

The Rubeck island seems to have a small village, it's a quiet and peaceful place.
You didn't feel the need to hide your face since not many people are in the bar, they wouldn't recognize you in the first place.

While you wait for your sake, you look around the bar and notice a man. He seems to be wearing a cape while enjoying his meal. There are beautiful bouquet of flowers next to him.

You paid no attention to him, until he came up to the counter and sat one seat away from you.


He suddenly whispers, your heart stops right there and then.

"Is that you? Or did I drink too much?"

You hesitate whether to answer him or not. Why would he say your mother's name? Did he know her?

"You're mistaken."

He sighs.

"My apologies."

He walks back to his table and continues eating like nothing happened.
The bartender finally comes back with Sake.

"May I have three cups with that?"

He gives you everything, you pay and get out of the Bar.

It was a weird encounter...which got you wondering..who could that person possibly be?

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