Chapter 11

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"So, long has it been?"

You ask Law, while your other consciousness is still into that doll. Your doll has finally reached level 6 after Ivankov gave you a small map.

"More than 4 hours.."

You chuckle, although you felt extremely exhausted. You finally reached it!
You shift all your consciousness into the doll and start looking around.
Level 6 - Eternal hell.
The name is on point. This place surely feels like Eternal hell. The amount of dark aura lurking around the corner makes your skin crawl.

"What is that? A doll?!"

"Ay ay, dollie~ did you lose your owner?"

"Come here little thing, come here"

You float around, trying not to get too close to the cells.
Suddenly, the prisoners start to get loud, making obnoxious noises, hitting the metal cells, besically getting on your nerves.
You release your haki, knocking out most of them, meanwhile others went silent.


You mumble to yourself. Suddenly, your body pulses, making you gasp.

"What is that.."

You heard someone's voice in the cell next to you. You turn to the person and your heart sunk.


You immediately recognize him.
He looks a little startled, probably because you released your haki just now.
You float down and walk up to his cell.

"Who are you?!"

He looks even more tensed.


You respond, letting your water doll slide through his cell. You walk up to him and stare at his blood drained face.


his breath hitches upon hearing your voice. You knew he wouldn't believe a random floating doll..

"I've been having dreams about you lately."

You float up to his shoulder, his expression hasn't changed.

"Y/n died. I remember clearly.."

He mumbles but then looks at you.
Even though your consciousness is in a doll, doubt is visible on his face.

"In my dream, you unintentionally pushed me in a forest pit, then..when I woke up, you kept apologizing over and over-"


You look to another Prisoner next to Ace, he seems to be concerned.

"Judging by your reaction, it seems like those dreams of mine weren't just dreams."

He sighs and takes another glance at you.

"So it's really you..huh?.."

Ace looks..sad?

"Yes.. it's me.
You respond shortly, a silence fills up the room.

"Garp told me you were..dead."

You turn to him, surprised.

"Dead? I was taken away by a man who killed my mother."

He returns the same expression.

"Aunt was killed!?"

"Mother was killed by Donquixote Doflamingo, my...father."

You struggle to call him a father, it leaves bitter taste in your mouth.
He grips his hands, looking enraged.

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