Chapter 43

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Tsuru gave Tama some porridge to eat. After very reluctantly accepting it, the child was brought to tears by its taste. Which surprised you.. also..Kiku bandaged Zoro's wounds, which he got durning a recent battlem

Tsuru explained that all of them in the leftovers towns lived with barely any food to eat. Kozuki Oden once had a farm to feed everyone, but that farm was now used to feed Orochi (the current shogun of the country) and the wealthy citizens in the nearby Bakura Town.

everything Okobore Town got were castoffs and leftovers from there.
You look at the kid with pity. Tama must've been one of the many victims who suffered through poverty.

Suddenly, the group found themselves under attack from the Gifter Batman, who with his Bat SMILE had overheard out conversation. While they dealt with Batman's attacks, Gazelleman came in and kidnapped Tama to bring her to Bakura Town.

Appearantely, Tama has a devil fruit power to allows her to tame animals, which is the reason why she was kidnapped.

You, Kiku, Luffy and Zoro immediately head towards Bakura Town to rescue the little girl. Kiku explained the situation in Bakura Town and also revealed that she was a Samurai.

"Tama was waiting for Ace, turns out he had come during a famine four years ago and helped to feed everyone. Before he left, he had promised to take Tama along with him the next time he came."

Says Luffy, while walking alongside with you.
You sulk at the thought of it.

"Then Luffy broke the news to her..she didn't have a good reaction."

You sigh, taking a moment to sympathize with the little girl.

"She must've been heartbroken."

As all four of you enter the Bakura Town, you sense heart pirate's presence from the mountain.


You curse under yourself, realizing that they'll report all four of your presences in Bakura Town to their DEAR captain.

As you were walking in the streets of Bakura Town, you were suddenly hit by a sumo wrestler who had been knocked out of the ring by Urashima.

Urashima is a yokozuna-ranked sumo wrestler of Wano Country's Flower Capital.He is also of samurai class, thus giving him an elevated social status.

Urashima was smitten with Kiku and using his own vaunted positions as a national athlete and nobility to constantly court her for marriage, believing she would have no reason to reject his wealth and social status he could give her.
Despite Kiku's clear disinterest and firm refusal to his proposals,
As Urashima was dominating his opponents, he saw Kikunojo next to you and became ecstatic, thinking she had come to accept his proposal.
He had his men bring her to him, but when he silenced and degraded the lower-class spectators.
Kikunojo became mad and cut off his topknot with her sword, which was appearantely quite humiliating for the man.

You held back Luffy from entering the arena.

"I'll deal with him, look for Tama."


"Don't make me repeat myself."

You glare at your little brother as he sulks in disappointment.

Urashima's "love" for Kiku was shown to be superficial. He became enraged as he finally saw that she completely rejected and dishonored him, and attempted to kill her while violently deriding her for her alleged lower-class status.
He even planned to mutilate her to serve as an example to the country.

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