Chapter 29

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You slowly take off your bandages, revealing your fresh and reopened wounds. You search through the drawers in the bathroom. You managed to find a needle and a sew.

Without losing a second, you fill up the sink with boiling hot water in order to sterilize the needle.
Then you carefully start stitching up the wound on your leg, but it more difficult than it seems. Your hands keep trembling, making it hard for you to Pierce your skin with a needle.

Your lungs still feel tight, you've figured that it's a side effect of your devil fruit...but deep down, you know it's not. You're panicking..
Just as you were finishing up stitching the wound on your leg, someone knocks on the door.

"Y/n, they've brought some food. Better come out quickly or Luffy will devour everything."

You hear Zoro's voice behind the door.
You stand up, only to feel a striking pain across your stitched up wound. You tripped on your own leg and accidentally dropped your hand in the sink, filled up with boiling hot water.


you curse and quickly remove your hand from the sink and turn on the tap water, running your burnt hand in fresh cold water.
You hiss in pain, only to realize that Zoro is still standing behind the door.

"Do you need help?"

You hesitate to answer.

"get me some fresh bandages..don't tell anyone."

He walks away and a few minutes later, knocks on the bathroom door again.

"Open up, I got you some bandages."

You open the door while covering yourself with a towel.

"Thanks a lot."

He hands you bandages, as you were about to close the door, he stops you.

"There is a reopened wound on your back, I doubt you can stitch it on your own, especially with a freshly burnt hand. "

You sigh out of exhaustion.

"Then what do you suggest I do?"

"Chopper recently taught me how to stitch up wounds..I might be able to help."

You wanted to question why he wanted to help you but you were far too exhausted. You just simply nod and take a seat.
Zoro closes the door behind him and comes up to you. You remove the towel, only revealing the wound on your back. felt extremely akaward, therefore you continued the conversation.

"How did you get the bandages?"

He carefully inspects the wound and starts stitching it.

"Torao had some left over bandages after treating Luffy. I asked him where he put it."

The unpleasant feeling of a needle piercing your skin makes your skin crawl, especially from someone else's hand.

"Is he still sitting outside?"

He hums in response, spotting another cut on your face through the mirror.


You said with a hint of sarcasm and look outside of a small window.
It's still raining heavily, a sudden thunder appears, leaving an unpleasant feeling.

"Robin offered him some food but he refused it immediately. "

You sigh, if he's gonna end up starving himself, then so be it.

"Why are you helping me?"

"Firstly because Trafalgar wasn't the only one who was harsh towards you. I didn't acknowledge the fact that you were an alive being with feelings."

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