Chapter 37

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You observe the Doctor of Death as he carefully inserts a needle inside of your vein, drawing blood.
He places the blood on a sample and starts inspecting it.
Law insisted that running a test is important before deciding to do a surgery, therefore you complied.
"Nothing unusual.."

He stands up from his seat and opens his drawers, then he takes out your beating heart, which was already in a cube.
He carefully inspects the white beed that was near your heart before.

"What the.."

His eye wide when he notices that the beed has formed a string and connected to the wall of your heart's.
You walk up to him and also notice it, you felt a bit uneasy...

"Listen Y/n..I don't think whatever you're experiencing is an illness.
It's because of this beed right here. It has been tampering with your blood circulation in your heart."
"So..this must be Doflamingo's doing."

He nods.

"This string wasn't here before..which means it is starting to evolve as the time goes by."

" let's not waste more time."

He looks nervous.

"There are possible risks if we do the surgery-"

"I give you the permission to remove it."

He hesitantly nods, a slight nervousness runs over his face. What a rare sight..

"Lay down on the Operating Table."

You do as he said, carefully observing him movements.
He slips his hands through his gloves and puts on a medical Mask. Then he takes out a syringe filled with some sort of liquid.

"This is an anesthetic."

"Am I gonna be asleep the whole time?"

"It will be too unbearable to stay awake."

You nod and he carefully brings over the syringe, injecting you with the liquid.
You try to push back the uneasy feeling, sighing out of nervousness.

"You'll be alright, I promise."

You nod, suddenly your eyes felt heavy.
He proceeds to put a breathing mask on you, along with another tube in your vein.

"Captain we're ready"

You heard a crew member's voice.

"Let's begin."

You felt your consciousness fade away at that very moment.

What a weird feeling..
You slowly open your eyes, only to realize that you're still on an Operating Table.
You can't move, you're completely paralyzed..which sends your mind into panick.
You can only move your eyes..

You look around the room and spot Law standing near another operating Table, where your heart has been set.
He's holding a small surgery knife.
He has already cut the outer layer of the cube and entered the knife near your heart.

You don't feel any can only stay still and watch.
You watch as he reaches his knife towards the beed near your heart and cuts it.
To your horror, it suddenly explodes. Your heart ends up exploding with it, leaving a bloody mess on the operating Table.

Law stood there, paralyzed. His face washed over in horror. His hands strained with your blood.
The machine next to you starts beeping, meaning that there's no longer a pulse.
Your mind is sent into panick, trying to figure out what's going on.
Why are you awake...even though you are now.. practically..dead?!

You shoot open your eyes in horror and notice that you're still on the operating Table.

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