Chapter 59

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(Back to you, Yamato and Yui.)

"Grandma, why is the house completely empty?..there's no furniture."

You ask Yui, who seems to be hurriedly packing some notes and books from the shelves.

"I'm hiding them."

Feeling dizzy, you decided to not ask further questions. You watch as Yui enters a secret room behind the closet and immediately runs downstairs.

Seems like this house has an underground room...
Yamato is helping her out with carrying the documents. After further observation, you notice that he also has a funny look on his face.

"What's wrong Yamato?"

"Y/n, my father is definitely looking for us now, it's not safe to stay here. We need to go back immediately."

Yui agrees with Yamato.

"He's right, Kaido probably has already sent out someone to bring us back. It would be better to go back on our own to not cause further suspicion."

Yamato notices your dizziness and to your surprise, picks you up and sets you on his back.
With that, all three of you left the area..but you still couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling inside of you.
A feeling of someone watching you three..
You were too dizzy to even observe the area, therefore you silently laid on Yamato's back the whole way to Onigashima.

Law headed towards your old house, the aura lurking around that area made him extremely uneasy.
As soon as he reaches the rope bridge, he sees it.
The house is completely on fire, to the point where if you put it out, not even ashes will remain.

The rope bridge was also completely destroyed so he had to use his ability to get closer to the house.
At that point, there was nothing he could do. The house had already fallen apart one by one.

He uses his ability to teleport a large amount of water and pour it over the fire, completely putting it out.

It's not even a question that Orochi's men had done it, but why would an All Star...a right hand man of Kaido appear here?..

After further inspection he found absolutely no one in the area, which was a relief.

He remembered that there's a pond in the backyard of the house, therefore he headed there.

Knowing that there's a Sakura tree there, atleast he could save that tree from catching on fire.

Upon arriving near the pond, he notices that the Sakura petals have turned into a deep red color, as if they were washed over in blood.
This certainly caught him by surprise, because he has never seen something so unusual like this before.

This must have some sort of meaning..right?

Your stomach drops upon hearing X Drake's words, you couldn't believe your ears.

"What?! What do you mean they burnt down OUR HOUSE?!"

"Appearantely, it was Orochi's and Kaido's orders."

You look back and your grandmother and Yamato, both of them look very concerned.
You can barely contain your anger.

"I knew this would happen."

Yui whispers quietly and then it hits you!
Your grandmother hid away all the important notes, book and furnitures underground, so they wouldn't get destroyed.
But still...the house itself was burnt down..
She must feel extremely sad..

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