Chapter 56

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(Back to Udon Prison.)
(Your clone's pov.)

You helped Chopper to cure prisoners and Luffy from the Virus, thankfully everything ended well.
Luffy decided to continue his training under Hyogoro's supervision. You kept an eye on him and even gave him some tips on how to use Ryou.

Suddenly, some sort of screen appears on the wall of a building, showing the current situation in Flower Capital.
The shogun ordered some thief to be publicly crucified, and had it broadcasted in the centre of the flower Capital, Infront of thousands of people.
Your eyes wide open upon seeing the Thief.

You have seen that man in your mother's memories...

Shimotsuki Yasuie.

He was very much present in your mother's childhood memories...
You immediately head towards the exit, planning to leave Udon as soon as possible when Chopper comes out running, with a panicked expression on his face.

"Chopper what's wrong?"

Luffy asks him. Chopper suddenly tears up.

"Luffy-y...Y/n...betrayed us.."

Luffy's eyes widen, he looks absolutely enraged.


your stomach drops upon hearing Luffy going off on everyone.
Chopper tells him that Zoro has reported what recently happened. He has told him about your help with capturing Heart pirates, including Law. Luffy's face washes over in horror, he suddenly looks over to you with eyes full of rage.

No way...did he realize it's you?

Kid suddenly grabs your wrist.

"You thought you could get away with it?"

You snatched your wrist away from him and started walking away, hoping that Luffy still hadn't realized It's you.

"Mind your own business, Kid."

As soon as you headed outside, you heard Luffy yelling out your name. You snapped your fingers, using your blood to form wings on your back, despite knowing that it would drastically drain your energy.
You just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

(Your Current Pov.)
You stood there in shock as your blood clone dissolves into a bloody substance, all that is left of it is your mother's mask.
You reach for your mask which seems to be covered in your own blood and put it on.
With that, you head towards the Flower Capital.

"People didn't forget me yet? That makes me happy."
You're currently in the capital, watching the execution of your mother's friend - Shimotsuki Yasuie, he continues his speech Infront of everyone.

Your breath hitches upon hearing Yasui's words. People have gathered around to watch the execution, some of them even recognize him and demand his release.

"It's no use everyone! Orochi will not let me go!"

He seems far too cheerful despite being on a brink of execution. Or perhaps...
Has he also eaten the SMILE fruit?!

"First I want to apologize to everyone about to things!"

Orochi's subordinate raises up his gun, getting ready to shoot Yasui.

"Then I want to say one thing to that stupid Orochi!"

You watch in amazement as more people start shouting his name. Meanwhile the executive starts reading out his crimes infront of people.

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