Chapter 28

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Sabo insisted on carrying you on his back due to your weakened state, you aren't sure where you two are heading at.
You felt yourself drifting off to sleep while laying your head on his shoulder.

"You did great, Y/n."

You smile a little, despite feeling awful for rejecting your friend.

"What are you planning to do from now on?"
You smile upon hearing this question.

"Be free."

Turns out, Straw Hats are hiding in Kyro's old house, Sabo immediately brought you along with him.
Yes..he is still carrying you on his back because you were barely conscious.

Upon entering the house, some of the Straw Hats were surprised to find out that you and Sabo are Luffy's siblings.
You look over to Luffy, who's sleeping peacefully in bed.
Law also seems to be sleeping on the floor, both of them look.. exhausted.

"Little brother must be exhausted.."

You mumble quietly, Sabo nods in response.
You tried getting off of Sabo's back but he insisted you stay there.

"I'll be leaving soon, we might not see eachother for a while."

You pout in response, resting your head on his shoulder.

Sabo recounted his past to the crew, revealing that he had survived after setting sail from Dawn Island and having his ship blown up by a World Noble.

Dragon had rescued him, and he awoke with no memories of his past. He was asked to join the Revolutionary Army, and it was only two years ago when he heard the news about Ace's death that he regained his memories.
Sabo despaired over Ace, and so when he reunited with Luffy in the Corrida Colosseum.
He also recounted on reuniting with you on Rubeck Island, near the graves.

"I was there to visit my parents."

At this point, you're barely awake. Your weakened voice gave away your tiredness.
That's when Sabo decided to put you down next to Luffy's bed.

"You were the one that stopped the cage from closing in, didn't you?"

Robin asks you curiously, You nod in response.
You recalled how you turned into a puppet to Sabo, he looks absolutely horrified.

" could've at least explained to them that you were turned into a puppet."

"Trust me, I wanted to. "

You rest your head on the bedframe.

"Thankfully, it all ended well. I'm grateful to Ussop, he managed to defeat sugar and free countless of people from their misery."

Ussop is dead asleep, he isn't aware that you're talking about him.

You turn to Franky, he seems to be fixing his hand.

"Thank you for glueing me back, It helped me a lot back there.."

-"Don't mention it, that the least I could do for you."

You turn to Sabo, who seems to be getting ready to leave.

"Are you leaving already?.."

He nods and steps out of the door.
You carefully get up and follow him outside.
You two are a few feet away from the house, Sabo slowly stops and turns to you.

"Are you planning to stay with them?"

"Kaido is going to come after me, that would be the most logical thing to do."

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