Chapter 10

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"10 hours."

You state, the room is full Heart Pirate Crew, including Law.

"Less than 10 hours till Portgas D. Ace's execution."

You turn to Law, who seems to be reading some kind of Document.

"Is it possible to get near Impel Down?"
"This is as near as we can get."

He gets up and enters the Control room, you follow him from behind.

"Security is pretty tough around here, we can't sneak in so easily without being spotted."

You look out of Submarine, only to see something from the distance..

"Seems like I need to send this water doll from the surface..or it might get caught up in that..Tornado."

You hold onto your newly created water Doll, who's supposed to function as a clone and transfer any kind of information back to you.

"We're unable to go up the surface but there's a pipe right here, that leads up."

Shachi enters the Control room, pointing towards the pipe.
"Captainn!! We've finally found the map!"

Bepo also enters the room and hands Law some sort of Map.
"Y/n-ya, take this."

He hands you the Map and a taking a quick look at it.
"It's a map of Impel Down."

You squint your eyes, carefully inspecting the map.
Without wasting a moment, you sent your water doll through the pipe,

"Y/n-ya, do you see anything?"

Law suddenly grabs your waist, guiding you towards a chair. You slowly sit down and cover your one eye. With another eye you carefully inspect the map In your hands.

"Surface is covered in mist but I see an enormous wall from the distance."

You point at the map.

"It must be this one."

With a few finger movements, the doll starts floating towards the wall. Straying further and further away from the Submarine.
"Are you going to fly over it?"
Law asks You look up, only to realize how tall the actual wall is.


Law suddenly grabs your hand.

"Look, there's a gate on the other side."

He points out on the man, you nod in response.

"They open it whenever there's an incoming ship."

"Waiting for a gate to open might take too long
"I'm not going to waste my time-"

You suddenly hear a loud noise, as if the walls were shuffling. The amount of Vibration was making your head dizzy.

From the distance, you see the gate fully open. A ship was coming out of there.
You close your eyes and use both hands to quickly manipulate the water doll, forcing it to float towards the open gate at high speed.

"The gate opened. What a luck.."

You mumble, the crew starts cheering out of joy.

"I need to...reach it."

The ship is already halfway out, the time is running out.
Your breathing becomes heavy, a drop of sweat rolls down your forehead.

"You can do it."

Law is sitting beside you, encouraging you.
The gate starts closing on you, you stretch out ur hands, speeding up the tiny doll even more.
Just as it was about to completely close, you somehow manage to slip through it.
You breathe through your mouth, feeling your heart pounding out of your chest.
Everyone stays quiet, waiting for you to speak up.

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