Chapter 52

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Law went to Sanji in the Flower Capital. As two of the Beasts Pirates' Flying Six were coming for Sanji for beating up some of Kyoshiro's men, Law urged him to go hide.

Law, Franky, Sanji, and Usopp fled to avoid discovery. However, with Page One rampaging in search of Sanji, the chef went to confront the Headliner.
When Sanji activated his Raid Suit, Law recognized the suit, having read the comic strip about Germa 66, and explained the suit's capabilities to Usopp and Franky.

During the battle, Law, Usopp, and Franky fled to Ebisu Town.
After Sanji's battle with Page One in the Flower Capital, Law, Usopp, Franky and Sanji - hid in Ebisu Town. Law read from a newspaper that Eustass Kid had escaped Udon prison.
Law, Usopp, and Franky later met a man named Tonoyasu. After hearing that they were friends of Zoro, Tonoyasu invited them to his house and informed them that they just missed Zoro.

"Luffy and Y/n have been captured by Kaidou."
Law briefly explains the situation to the crew, they were in shock.
"So you're saying..that Y/n willingly agreed to join Kaidou?"
Sanji trying to process what Law just said.

"Wait a second! So Y/n betrayed us?!"

Ussop asks, but doesn't receive an answer to either of them.
They all stay silent.

"Torao, are you sure? Perhaps Y/n is planning something without our knowledge-"

Law goes on to explain the illusion he had seen in his dream, leaving out some of the confession details.

"That means..we have to prepare for the worst."

States Franky, Sanji nods in response.

"I don't know how to explain it, something feels off."

Law turns to him with a stressed look on his face.

"Y/n wouldn't do this, without a reason..right?"

Law sighs in distress.

"I'm ashamed to say this but..I have no idea what goes through Current Y/n's mind."

He looks down, palming his face in frustration.

"Luffy won't like this.."

Ussop States, rubbing his forehead in frustration.

Your clone's pov:
Much to your relief, You spent your time gathering Information in the Udon Prison. Being a liquid clone surely had it's advantages. Besides.. nobody could recognize your appearance because of your mask (that your clone snatched away after you dropped it durning the confrontation with Kaido.)

You made sure that Luffy stayed safe throughout his stay in the prison, much to your surprise. Eustass Kid was also there, but somehow..he managed to escape afterwards.

Later on, you discover a fellow Ally Samurai - Raizo. Although you two didn't know much about eachother, you explained the reason of your presence (without revealing your identity) and both you decided to help eachother out.

Luffy wasn't the only ally in the prison, turns out Raizo's fellow comrade - Kawamatsu, was also held captive in the cells.
Thanks to your liquid clone form, you successfully managed to locate the key room and instructed Raizo to get it.
Durning Luffy's stay in prison, he saved an old man's life. Appearantely that man is called - Hyogoro.
 Due to Luffy saving his life and offering him dango, Hyogoro held immense gratitude and respect for Luffy.

Finally, Raizo had successfully stolen the handcuff keys. As Luffy was prodded for information, Hyogoro was attacked by the warden Babanuki and vice warden Daifugo, as they did not believe he earned all his meal tickets. Hyogoro accepted his death, as he was now happy after witnessing Luffy's act of kindness.

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