Chapter 49

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Law wakes up in panic, a cold sweat runs down his forehead.


he looks around the living-room, only to spot a woman sitting on a chair, three feet away from him.
He tenses up upon seeing the unfamiliar person but the more he stares at her face, he's reminded of something.
The woman from the picture..

Judging by her facial reaction, she's full of worry and guilt.

"Calm down, Young man."
She looks up at him, that's when he notices her puffy face.
Did she cry?..

"Where's...where's Y/n?!"

His breath is shaky, whatever he experienced in that dream felt far too real to his liking.

"Y/n left...they had a business to take care of."

"what business?!"

he suddenly stands up but his head starts spinning.

"Careful. You hit your head pretty hard back there."

He sits back down and rubs his forehead in distress.

"Are you..."

"I'm Y/n's grandmother, it's pleasure to meet you."

He nods in response, trying to calm down.

"Where did Y/n go? Why did they leave?"

She sighs, guessing that she can't escape from his questions.

"Kaido appeared in Okobore Town..Y/n went there to confront him."

His stomach drops upon hearing this. He grips his hand tightly.

"Damn it.."

"I believe.. Y/n went there to stop Kaido from dealing more destruction to the city. "

Law stands up and grabs his coat. He's trying his best to keep his composure Infront of this woman.

"Did Y/n say anything before they left?"

Yui stays silent for a few seconds and watches him put his coat on.

"Word of advice...No matter what happens, don't go after Y/n."

Law looks back at her, he knows that this woman is hiding something from him.

"What do you mean?!"

"Y/n knows what they're doing, so..
have some faith in them."

With that, she opens the front door and walks out.


he goes after her, as soon as he steps outside..he realizes that she has disappeared.
As if earth swallowed her whole!

Law still had thousands of questions but he wasted no time to grab his sword and heads towards the destruction site.

"No matter what happens,don't go after

He recalls that woman's words, questioning what could possibly happen?
Law's not the kind of man to pray but right now..he's silently praying for your safety, hoping that you're safe and sound.

"Welcome back, Kaido-sama."

Kaido's wife - Black Maria, greets him as we enter the castle.
Her face turns completely pale upon seeing your face, she was at loss of words.

"Is-s that.."

Kaido turns to her upon noticing her expression.

"That's Aurora's and Doflamingo's brat."

You grip on your knuckles, trying not to yell at him for calling Doflamingo your father.

Maria sighs out of relief.

"Ah..thank lord. I thought that witch came back to life!"

She comes up to you and leans in to take a closer look.

" look exactly like her."

You look down, not wanting to make eye contact with her.

"I offered them to join us and they immediately accepted."

Maria chuckles and goes up to Kaido.

"Join us?...that means this brat has to confirm their loyalty to you, otherwise..."

She brings her long nail and slowly brushes it across her neck, in a threatening way.
Maria pours him some sake, he quickly drinks it up.

"What do you suggest?"

She smiles widely, placing her hands on his shoulder.

"It's about time our son matures and takes over his real duties, isn't that right dear?"

Both of them exchange glances of approval. You gulp in response, waiting for them to speak to you.

"I've heard you're good at manipulating people, brat.."

Makes you wonder how he found that out.

"After manipulated your own father on the battlefield."

You can't help but smirk.

"State your wish, I shall fullfil it if it's within my grasp."

"I want you to convince my son to marry you."

You raise your eyebrows, perhaps out of surprise. You thought he would wish for something impossible.

"I'm guessing it would be too easy for you, since Aurora was like a second mother to him, he would probably agree in no time."

It felt like he just read your thoughts, maybe he did? You have to be careful about what you think around him.

"How about...on top of marrying you, convince him to let go of his dreams and take on his real duties."

You force your thoughts to stay hazy, not letting him read your thoughts.

"What do you say, brat?"

Maria adds, waiting for your response.

"Nothing that I can't manage. I would be more than happy to, but that doesn't mean I'll actually marry him, right?"

" just need to convince him, that's all."

Maria responds, Kaido nods and exchanges glances with his wife.
A Lie detected.

"Very well."

You respond, already wanting to get out of Kaido's presence due to thick tension and aura.

Thankfully, Guards escorted you out in no time and led you to a room where Yamato is staying at.

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