Chapter 12

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You gasp for breath as you jump up from the bed.
Your whole body is covered in sweat.
Out of panick, you check your hands and notice they're bandaged up.
A sudden explosion from the outside made you snap out of your thoughts. You immediately jump off of the bed and run through the corridor in panick.

You notice that the submarine is on the surface, therefore you head towards the front door.
You rush outside and see Law, glancing at the horrifying sight Infront of you.

Marineford War.

Countless of pirates and marines clashing against eachother. Thousands of people dying every minute.

Is this what hell looks like?


Law grabs your wrist, he looks extremely concerned.
You look into the distance, anxiously searching for Ace and Luffy.
Your heart finally experiences relief when you spot both of them, back to back, fighting together.

"I need to go there."

You snatch your hand away and jump of from the submarine. Law watches anxiously as you land on the ground and start running towards Luffy and Ace.

You didn't care about anything or anyone else, you were finally going to reunite with your brothers.

Or so you thought.

Just as you were about to reach them, Admiral Akainu tried to land a death blow at Luffy, Ace got in the way and took the blow, while protecting his little brother.

At that moment, the whole world came crushing down on you. As if your heart has been completely ripped out of your chest, once again.
You couldn't hear anyone, you just stood there, completely paralyzed as Luffy held dying Ace in his arms.

Ace kept struggling to talk and you couldn't hear any of his words due to pure shock.
Finally, you manage to walk up to him and get on your knees.
He suddenly reaches his hand and touches your face, wiping away your tear.

"You look...just like Mom."
That's right...your mother was the only mother figure he has ever had In his life.

Luffy is having a mental breakdown, meanwhile you're barely holding your sanity together.

"I'm sorry..I couldn't spend more time...with you.."

You take a look at his wound and that little hope you had in your heart instantly fades away.

"Please...take care..of him."

And with that...his soul has left his body.
Luffy suddenly let's out his Haki, his horrifying screams are burning deeply into your mind.
You had to hold yourself together...just a little longer.
The fishman suddenly appears and picks up Luffy off of the ground, he takes a glance at you.


Somehow, you manage to get back on your feet and start running. Running for your dear life.
You unconsciously punched your enemies who tried to block your way, helping to make a way towards Law's submarine.
It is only a matter of time, till you completely break down, you have to hurry up.
Suddenly, Akainu appears out of nowhere and punches the fishman.

With every inch of strength you had in your body, you cover your hand in Haki and you punch the living soul out of that man, sending him flying towards a wall.
People stare at you, astonished.


people shout, informing their allies.

you could hear someone calling out your name from the distance.


Law yells from the distance, you instantly help up jimbei and Luffy.

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