Chapter 24

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It feels like your whole life flashed before your eyes. Spending time with your mother, rebelling with your brothers, sneaking out with Law, reunion with most of them..and so on.
happy memories that you can't share with anyone else but yourself.

You felt your whole existence, starting from your soul, slowly drown into darkness.

You look up and see a light that you're slowly straying further and further away from.
It feels like the darkness underneath you is dragging you down with it. Everything underneath is bone-chiling cold.

The light that you're slowly straying away from is warm and welcoming. You reach your hand to feel it, the warmth spreads through your hand but it soon goes away as the darkness drags you deeper and deeper underneath you.

You don't wish to give up, but as the coldness spreads through your body, you can't help but feel exhausted and drowsy. You close your eyes and was about to completely succumb into darkness, when you felt a sudden warmth on your finger tips.

You tried to ignore it but it suddenly spreads through your entire hand, you slowly open your eyes and see..him.


Why are you here?

You wanted to ask but instead, your hand slips away from his, you watch his panicked expression as the darkness quickly drags you away from him.

He's saying something..but you can't quite hear it.


he says it louder this time, you swear..his voice echoed through your body, it felt like an alarm, a wake up call.

The darkness completely drowns you into void, you can no longer breathe..or see him.

Is this the end?

You gasp out for air as if you're still in your Human body. Your eyes shoot open in panic, looking around the environment you're in.
You stare at the pirates and Marines in disbelief as they continue feasting and partying together from afar. You also spot the destroyed building, captured Caesar, rescued children...far away from you.
Besically the whole island is in chaos, a good way.
If you could cry right then and there, you would.

They did it..

You look down at your puppet body and notice you're in..bandages? You also spot a white apron sitting on your wooden legs.
Come to think of it..was it completely covering you while you were asleep?

Or were you actually..asleep?

You barely lift up your wooden hand, the only thing that is keeping it from breaking down are the bandages.

Suddenly, you spot someone from the distance,
coming towards you while carrying some equipment in his hands.

He didn't dare to look at you, as if he was avoiding to glance at you at all.

Once he got close enough to notice that you're awake, he drops the equipment in shock.
He immediately turns around runs towards the crowd.


Luffy has talked about him before, judging by the equipment he was carrying, he probably wanted to fix your broken limbs.

How kind of him..

Suddenly, the crowd of Luffy's crew surrounds you, they all look at you in daze.

"Torao wasn't lying..this puppet is actually alive."

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