Chapter 48

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You hurriedly ran towards the ruins of Oden Castle. Your muscles and neck hurt so much that you feel like passing out at any moment.
Kaido has appeared in his dragon form and is flying around the Okobore Town, dealing lots of destruction in the process. You felt angry for the poor citizens, because these kind of actions can potentially cause countless of deaths.

You've already guessed why Kaido had appeared, he is definitely looking for Law and Luffy. On your way to Amigasa Village, you spot Tama with her "friend" - Speed.


"Y/n-san! "

The kid is crying uncontrollably.

"He has destroyed everything!!"

A sudden presence of someone made your breath hitch.

"there you brat."

You look up, only to see Kaido preparing to blow fire towards all of you.

"Stand behind me."

Speed and Tama immediately stand behind you as you block Kaido's fire breath with your water Manipulation. Thankfully, you took the painkiller on time or you wouldn't have managed to do it.
Suddenly you heard Luffy yelling behind you. Instant panic washes over your mind.


it was too late, Luffy didn't even hear you. He spared no time in pummeling the Emperor with his most powerful attacks, bringing him back into his human form.
You tightly held onto Tama as Luffy's and Kaido's strengths clashed against eachother.


you covered Tama'd whole body with yours so she wouldn't pass out due to ridiculously amount of pressure.

"It's okay Tama..."

Luffy kept dealing power attacks to Kaido and brought him down on the ground.

"Take Tama away from here."

You turn to her "friend", which you've guessed is a SMILE devil fruit user. Tama must've used her ability to tame her.


"I need to stay with my brother."

You hand her over to Speed.

"Now go! Make sure she stays safe."

Speed nods and dashes off, you could hear Tama screaming for your name.

You sigh and jump in the air, Catching Luffy in your arms, who was flung by Kaido.


He pushes you away and dashes towards Kaido once again. Suddenly, Kaido gets back up without any signs of damage.

"This isn't good."

You think to yourself and start running towards Luffy, but it was too late.
Kaido swings his Mace with full force and knocks Luffy out within a single swing.

Your blood runs cold once Kaido walks up to you. You draw your Scythe, ready to attack him at any moment.
Suddenly, he releases his Conqueror's Haki, you counter it with yours. You stubbornly stand still, not letting his Haki effect you even a bit.

"Not bad for Aurora's brat.."

Both of your hakis suddenly disappear, the tension thickens even more. He calmly starts walking up to you. You grip onto your Scythe tightly, ready to slice him.

"I have to admit, she was a wonderful subordinate. Unfortunately she was far too kindhearted..that's exactly what caused her death."

He suddenly places his hand on your shoulder. Your body stiffens, why can't you move?..

"I have an offer for you, Y/n. Whether you accept it or not shall determine if your Allies will survive or not."

You knew he would pull this move on you. Unconscious Luffy is being held by his Subordinates Infront of you, they have a knife to his throat.
The thought of your little brother dying is killing you.

"Become my subordinate. You are far too worthy to be standing beside a pest like him."

It took all your strength to not snarl at him.

"If I don't accept, I assume you'll kill my brother?"

He laughs unpleasantly.

"Oh, not only him. I'll also kill your dear friend who seems to be sleeping at your house."

You felt your stomach drop, fear fills you up.

"Your dear granny is serving me too, you fool."

You curse under your breath, praying that Law has woken up from the illusion.
You did this because you predicted..Kaido would try to recruit you. You didn't expect your own actions to turn against you.

Does that woman really serve him? The way she was talking to you was so genuine,
How could you ever guess that she had an Ill intent?

"What do you say?"

You take off your mask, drop it on the ground and give him a smug smirk, in order to hide your rage.

"It would be my utmost honor to serve you."

He grins in satisfaction and gestures his Subordinates to put cuffs on Luffy. Once he spots your puzzled face, he continues..

"I never said I'd let them go. I said I wouldn't kill them."

You stare at him blankly, not even a hint of emotion on your face.

"Very well."

His gaze shifts onto your weapon, which seems to be drastically draining energy. The Amount of Haki it has already consumed is ridiculous.

"Put that cursed thing away, it irks me."

You hesitantly put it away, his Subordinates run up to you and put seastone cuffs on you.
He orders his subordinates to throw Luffy in Udon Prison to break his spirit.

"Now follow me."

You felt people's presence from the distance. You turn around only to see Heart Pirates observing you in panic.
You give them a reassuring smile and turn around, following Kaido from behind.
You tightly grip on the small poison bottle in your hands. While smirking, you recall that you've created a blood clone, right before you encountered the Kaido.

That clone can help Luffy escape from Udon, but you're not sure how long it will last..since you have Seastone chains attached to your hands.

You chuckle, letting your intrusive thoughts take over your mind for now.
This man doesn't know what he has gotten himself into..

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