Chapter 36

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After a while, you excused yourself to take a walk around the forest. You went back to the same River, this place strangely feels more peaceful than any other place.
The water has reflected a beautiful Moonlight sky, a slight wind brushes across the tress, the branches are swishing pleasantly..
You let yourself relax near a tree while listening to the River. The soothing sound of water makes you completely forget about your worries.
Suddenly, someone sits down right next you.

"Zoro, did you get lost again?"

You could feel him frowning.

"No, I was hanging around here. Watching the scenery."

"Anything on your mind?"

"That damn Ero cook, he makes us all worry about him."

You smile. Seems like he still cares about Sanji.

"He must've had a reason why he left. "

You sighs out of frustration.

"Luffy is going to do anything to bring him back, he has no choice."

You chuckle, knowing that's exactly what Luffy would do.

"I overheard them talking about your mother's you..also have it?"

You felt a slight hesitation in his voice.

"I'm not sure. Law is going to run some tests on me, we'll see what's wrong."

He hums in response.

"How long have you known Law?"

"Since I was a child..."

You go on to tell him about your childhood with Law and how both of you got separated.

"So..he was saved by your father?"

You nod.

"I only found out two years ago that he was still alive. I can't explain how overjoyed I was...I still am."

You saw his smile drop a little.

"I also used to have a friend, she was very ambitious. "

You nod while carefully listening to him.

"Both of us competed with eachother to improve our swordsmanship, she would always beat me! "

He smiles while looking up in the sky.

"She had a dream to become the best swordman in the world."

"What a dream.."

You exclaim, wishing that you dreamt of something like this as a child.

"Unfortunately, she passed away soon after."

You sigh upon hearing that.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"But I promised that I'd fullfil her dream in her place, I am."

He takes out a bottle of Sake and takes a sip from it.

"I believe you can."

He smirks in response, taking another sip from his bottle.

"What about you? Do you have a dream?"

You go silent for a moment, thinking about it.

"I never had an actual dream in my life."

You look up, observing the night sky.

"Because you were never given a chance to have one."

Truth hurts..doesn't it?

"True...but for now..all I want is to live my life like my parents would've wanted me to."

You glance at him.

"I want to live my life at it's fullest."

You chuckle at yourself.

"Simple, right?"

"Quite simple but Admirable desire."

"You're a great friend."

He goes silent, you took it as an opportunity to continue.

"Luffy told me a lot about you. How you saved him countless of's truely admirable."

You yawn, suddenly feeling sleepy.

"Therefore...I trust that I can leave Luffy's safety in your care."

After a few minutes, he breaks the silence.

"Do you trust me?"

You hum in response, closing your eyes in sleepiness. Knowing yourself, you'll sleep like a log if you fully fall asleep here. Therefore you forced yourself to stay a little awake.
You swear, you felt his breath on your face. You froze out of nervousness even though you wanted to open your eyes.
Suddenly, you drop the picture of you and Law.

You cussed yourself for not holding onto it tighter.

He picks it up and observes it for a few minutes before putting it back in your pocket.
Suddenly he picks you up in his arms. He starts walking towards the forest while you pretended to be asleep.

You weren't planning to fall asleep, afraid that he'd get both of you lost.
Due to your foolishness, you actually fell asleep in his arms! You felt too tired..

Whisper after feel your consciousness coming back to you.
You didn't open your eyes, you were still in Zoro's arms.

"Originally, I was planning to take Y/n with us. Specifically because I don't trust you, unlike my Captain or Y/n."

Law seems to be standing in front of him. You heard a chuckle, he was definitely not happy upon hearing this.

"Trust me? Or perhaps there's another reason why?"

Zoro stays silent, you could feel his gaze on you.

"Zoro!! Let's go!!"

You heard Nami's voice from the distance, calling out to Zoro.

"Guess I don't have any other choice, do I? I'll leave Y/n's safety to you."

Law walks closer to you and Zoro.

"Why do you care so much?"

You could feel the irritation in Law's voice.

"Y/n's my friend and my Captain's Sibling."

Zoro gave him an answer, filled with doubt.

"Liar. There's another reason."

Law is being more pressuring than usual.

"You're being delusional."

You could feel the tension thicken between them.


Nami yells at him from the distance.
Zoro slowly hands you over to Law while you still pretended to be asleep.

"If you're so set on protecting them, I better not see a single scratch on Y/n by the time I come back."

Zoro was about to reach for your hand when Law takes a step back.

"Y/n isn't fond of goodbyes. Don't wake them up."

This little...shit.

Zoro turns around and was about to walk away..when you spoke up.

"Stay safe."

He freezes upon hearing your voice but doesn't turn around.

"You too."

And with that, he left...
The whole crew left while you waved then off from the distance.
You turn to Law who seems to be looking irritated than usual.
"What's up with you? Being rude all of a sudden."

He rolls his eyes.

"You're so clueless, you're second Luffy at this point."


With that he walks away, leaving you in daze.

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