Chapter 61

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Surprisingly enough, Kaido is in a visible distress, having to be in face to face battle with his fellow "subordinate".


Aurora smirks widely, having an undescribably psychotic look on her face.


"I can sense your fear, you foolish man."

He locks eyes with her bloodshot eyes. Eyes full of hatred and vengeance.
She goes on to strike him with her scythe which was coated with Ryou, Kaido uses his Mace to counter her attack, also using his own Haki, in attempt to overpower hers.

What a surprising sight it was!
How could a small woman like Aurora hold an equal fight against a beast twice her size?

Kaido carefully observed her movements and spotted strange marks all over her body.
Her whole back was exposed which revealed her strange tattoo, he realized that those marks connected to the tattoo itself.

Aurora kept striking him unexpectedly with merciless attacks, the speed of her attacks exceeded his, which made it harder to dodge and block it the longer it went on.

And that look on her face.. throughout the years of working together, he has never seen that kind expression on her face.
It felt like seeing a whole new side of her, which made him undescribably uneasy.

"Why have you turned against me?!"

He asks her, completely enraged and upset.
Aurora slips off the kimono from her shoulder, revealing Kozuki Crest tattoo.
Kaido becomes even more enraged, the tattoo itself has already answered his question.

"You killed my friend and completely destroyed his beloved country and it's people.
The country that I once grew up in.."

She looks up, hoping to see a beautiful sight of Wano, only to be met with factories and a sky full of gray smoke.

"I no longer recognize it and you know DAMN well, who is to be blamed for this."

The Aura that was trailing off of her explained how Dangerous the battle would turn out to be.
He couldn't afford to underestimate her, even if he wanted to.
Kaido turned into his Dragon form, covering the whole Castle's Roof.
He stared down at Aurora, waiting for her to make a move but she stood still, with a blank expression on her face.

"Damned b* haven't even sobered me up with those half-assed attack of yours."

Aurora chuckles as she stands still, watching Kaido let out a concentrated scorching blast of fire, which traveled many kilometers in the span of few seconds. But even a half a second was enough for her to summon an enormous tsunami right behind her.
She used the first form of water manipulation to counter Kaido's blast of fire, completely evaporating it in the process.
Kaido was amused upon seeing the unusual technique that she used.
Seems like he didn't know that she could use a devil fruit powers.

"That weak heart of yours is probably on a brink of bursting."

Aurora grins awfully, making Kaido frown unpleasantly.

"I ripped out that little beed that you forcefully implanted in my heart. Do you really think I'd continue playing the role of your little lab rat?"

Her eyes turn into a Ruby color, just like her hair. She touches her chest, using blood manipulation to ease the circulation of her blood.
Kaido stares at her in horror as he realizes what kind of Devil fruit powers she's using.


He realizes that this isn't the right time for questioning once Aurora appears right Infront of him with a Haki coated scythe in her hands, ready to slice him up unhesitatingly.

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