Chapter 17

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It has been a year since you've stayed on Rusukaina.
For the first six months, you trained to improve your Observation Haki. Surprisingly enough, you managed master it. You wanted to improve your Armament and Conquerer's Haki, but you decided to spend remaining four months getting used to your devil fruit powers.

You weren't planning to stay for more than year, firstly because you want to visit Rubeck island again which is located in the New world.

Corazon's death Anniversary is coming up therefore you want to make it there on time.

You'll also visit your Mother's grave. As Shanks mentioned, the nameless grave right next to Corazon's is your mother's grave.
You wish you had known this earlier..
Who knows? You might come across Shanks again.

The heart pirate crew haven't contacted you for months. You tried calling them but they would never pick up so you gave up..

You watched Luffy slowly recover from Ace's death. Of course..there were moments when both of you had to comfort eachother. You two would have quite a lot of nightmares throughout the nights, especially Luffy.

Perhaps it's the pressuring Aura surrounding the whole area, disturbing your minds.

Sometimes you would wake up out of your nightmare, panicked. Whenever that would happen, you preferred to isolate yourself, which Luffy wasn't be too happy about.

He would search the whole island just to find you and cheer you up. You were thankful for him.
You dreamt about your brothers quite often, slowly regaining your childhood memories.
Some of the memories were happy. All four of you would spend time with eachother playing, rebelling against grownups, talking about each of yours dreams and so on.
But this particular memory broke your heart.

Sabo's death..

You asked Luffy about it, hoping that it wasn't true but he confirmed it. You were disappointed and upset upon hearing this. A Celestial Dragon shooting an innocent kid..

how cruel can this world be? You thought to yourself.

"You guys are leaving already?! You could've at least stayed for your birthday!"

Luffy looks quite upset, knowing that you're leaving the island in a few minutes with a handmade boat. Rayleigh decided to come along with you.
You haven't celebrated your birthday for years, it surprised you that Luffy still remembers it till this day.
You pat his head, he frowns at you like a little kid.

"You don't know how lucky I am to have a brother like you."

Luffy's frown drops, he was almost holding back his smile.

"The way you motivated yourself to work hard and learn new abilities through out this year, is amazing. You did great and I'm proud of you, little brother."

He looks down, hiding his face.

"His training isn't nowhere finished yet, he has one more year to improve his skills on his own."

Says Rayleigh.

"I"m sure you'll become even more stronger. I'm looking forward to seeing that happen."

Luffy finally looks up, his eyes are filled with tears.

"When can I see you again?"

You chuckle, deep down an awful feeling started lurking inside of you.

What if I'll never see him again

But of course..those are just intrusive thoughts.

"I'm not sure, but I'm certain that we'll come across eachother again."

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