Chapter 55

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"Where's Donquixote?"

Hawkins walks out of Law's Cells with Drake.

"They went out to deal with straw hat pirates."

Hawkins scoffs in response.

"They're at it again..."

"What are you planning with their heart?"

Hawkins takes out your heart from his coat.

"Hand it over to Kaido."

He's probably going to do this to raise his own reputation.


Hawkin's subordinates barge in.


Hawkins sighs and hands your heart to Drake.

"Keep an eye on Y/n. If anything..give it a squeeze and they'll come running back to you.'

You seriously want to murder Hawkins.

"Got it, what about the keys?'

Hawkins takes out the keys and suddenly shatters them on the ground, Drake was caught by surprise.

"We will no longer need them. Seems like Trafalgar isn't planning to talk. We'll finish him off as soon I come back."

With that, he exits out of the prison.
After making sure that nobody is around, Drake signals you to come out.

"How are you going to get the cuffs off of him?"

"No need to worry, I have a trick up my sleeve."

He tries to hand back your "heart" to you but you deny it.
"Keep it, he shouldn't suspect a thing after Hawkins comes back."

He nods and lets you enter Law's cell.
You hide your horrified expression behind a mask, looking at his bloodied face. You run up to him and check his pulse and breathing.

He seems to be breathing just fine..his pulse is stable.


You stand up and back away from him a little, earning a groan from him as he tilts his head.

"If you want to survive, I need you listen to me."

He opens his eyes and frowns upon seeing you. Thankfully he couldn't see your guilt washed face.

"Are you satisfied? Y/n."

Your breath hitches but you try to stay calm. You shouldn't let your emotions get the best of you.

"What do you want?... What is it..that you're trying to achieve?"

He breathes heavily, you spot a few bruises on his chest.

"Come here."

He'll either kill you...or...kill you. There's no other option. ( • ‿ • )

"Stop talking, you have broken ribs."

You hold your palm against his seastone cuffs while distancing from him and use Ryou. The locket of the cuff breaks but you don't take off the cuffs. 
"Hawkins will arrive at any moment. You may do anything you want with him, but don't kill him."

He looks down to his cuffs and then back at you.
He frowns even more when you reach for his hat and take it off. Then you slip a note you scribbled inside of that hat and put it back on his head.

"Your crew is waiting for you, so hurry up and get this over with."

You stand up and turn your back on him.


You stop walking.

"Did you really...betray us?.."

This driving you crazy.

"That's up to you to decide."

He readjusts his cuffs and sits up straight.

"I haven't forgotten that my real heart is still in your possession."

You glance at him as a little smirk paints over his lips.

"You better be ready by the time I confront you to take it back."

With that, you walk out the cell and signal Drake that it's to leave.

Drake and you secretly stayed behind the scene while Law started fighting Hawkins.

Drake asked you why you didn't want Law to kill Hawkins. You glanced at him with a little smirk and said that "saving him" could potentially help you gain Kaido's trust. He agreed in response and told you to wait for the right moment to "save him" from Law.

You overhear Law questioning hawkins about his alliance with Kid and Scratchmen Apoo.

Hawkins stated that Apoo had been working for Kaidou since the beginning, and Kaidou wanted to recruit him, Kid, and Killer to join his crew.

He had obliged due to having no chance of survival otherwise, but Kid and Killer had fought until they collapsed.

Hawkins wondered if Law had any doubts about his alliance with Luffy now that they were in Wano and he also mentioned you. How you easly obeyed Kaidou upon him confronting you head on.

Law got extremely upset upon hearing that and raised his sword to cut Hawkins, that's when you barged inside the cell and blocked his sword with your Scythe, catching both of them out of surprise.

You swing your scythe at him, he counters it with him sword. You signal him with your eyes towards the door, besically telling him to run.
Fortunately, he saw through your intentions. Used all his might push you out of his way and dashed towards the door.


you could barely keep your smirk. Drake was just standing in the hall and didn't even interfere. He decided to head outside to pretend that he's "chasing" after Law, to not cause suspicion.

You strap your Scythe back onto your back and turn to Hawkins who seems to be looking at you with a surprised expression.

You reach in his coat and take out the straw hat doll that seems to be connected to your life force. Then you dip it in a bucket of water, washing it out from your blood. You watches you In surprise.

"Now we're even."

Then you throw it away and turn to Hawkins once again. Law dismembered his torso and's going to take a while for him to readjust it back into it's original place.

You rip up some fabric and somehow manage to completely bandage him up in one piece.

"Why are you helping me?"

In reality, you want to slaughter him but the time hasn't come yet. You pick him up on your back and exit the place.

Drake soon meets up with you two, claiming that he " couldn't catch up with Law". You smirk under your mask as three of you start heading back to Onigashima.
The route in the middle of a forest, with not a single person around...
Or so you thought.
Suddenly, an arrow strikes right next to you. It ends up piercing the tree beside you.
You turn to Drake who seems to be on a high alert.
"I'll deal with them, get him away from here."
You hand over Hawkins to Drake.
"Will you be alright?"

you nod while secretly smirking under your mask. You equip your Scythe and head towards the "enemy."

As soon as Drake disappears out of your sight, your clone appears Infront of you. It's not wearing your mother's's face is washed over in concern.

Confused, you walk up to it to find out what happened, it suddenly grabs your shoulders, connecting to your consciousness.
Your clone's recent memories start flooding inside of your mind.

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