Chapter 58

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Death Death Death Death Death Death

Death Death Death Death Death Death

Death Death Death Death Death Death

Death Death Death Death Death Death

Death Death Death Death Death Death

Death Death Death Death Death Death

These words kept repeating in Law's mind..
Mind full of regret and guilt.
Beneath him, there are trails of blood following a certain hallway.
Despite feeling uneasy, Law followed the trail slowly, feeling chills run down his spine the each step he took.

Death Death Death Death Death Death

Death Death Death Death Death Death

Death Death Death Death Death Death

Death Death Death Death Death Death

Death Death Death Death Death Death

Death Death Death Death Death Death

The blood trail becomes more wider, showing a lot more signs of blood loss.
Feeling of uneasiness grows as panick washes over Law's mind.

"Why am I feeling like this?"

Law asks himself while taking a look at his trembling hands.

He's hyperventilating.

The frenzied, disjointed thoughts as his mind zips from one unrelated thought to another, cold sweats and clammy hands, the pounding heart, eyes widening in terror, flicking from side to side as he tries to fasten up his pace thought the hall.
He ready to run as adrenaline surges through his body, getting ready for anything that might appear on his way.

But nothing, could prepare the horrifying sight in front of him.


As soon as he reaches the end of the hall, he simply freezes.


His biggest fear is right Infront of his eyes. The amount of panic he feels is undescribable.


He subconsciously starts walking again, reaching the end of the hall, staring at his fear.


oh... how much physical and mental pain he feels right now..
Staring at your torn up clothes, which are painted in a color of your Ruby hair.
Your skin washed in a pale color that no alive human would ever have.

No signs of movement or a noise. Not even a scoff you make, whenever you catch him staring at you.
Or those quick glances that you give him, which he secretly liked.
No signs of you calling out his name.


He has never been so desperate to hear your voice...
Just one more time..


But at this very moment...A deadly silence fills up the room.

As an unexpected cold wind hits his back, it brushes a few strands of your messed up hair, revealing your face with a smile plastered on it.


A sudden realization hits him and he crouches down to you.
He's struggling to breathe as his head becomes even more dizzy.
He reaches his trembling hand and lightly brushes away your hair, trying to feel the warmth of your skin.
It's freezing.

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