Chapter 7

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Law embracing you in his arms? It doesn't feel real, it feels like a dream. You're still doubting that he's alive,

"perhaps I've gone crazy?" You think to yourself.

"Perhaps I'm starting to imagine things that aren't real, as a coping mechanism.
Because I can't let go of the past"

You pray that he's actually real and not a part of your imagination.
You open your eyes, only to realize you're laying on the grass, all alone.
Law isn't here..
"Of course he isn't here."
You mumble to yourself and look at Corazon's grave.
"Cora-san...maybe i've gone crazy.."

But..when you caressed his face, the way he held felt too real.
Was it all a dream?
You slowly stand up on your feet, noticing that the clouds in the sky have gotten grey. It's definitely going to rain.

"I'll be off now, Cora-san."

You say your goodbye and walk down the hill, then to the streets of a now empty Village.

The rain starts pouring heavily, soaking every inch of your body, but you didn't care.

Suddenly, someone throws a coat you.

"Wear it, it's cold."

Those are the exact same words you said to Law before Corazon took him away.

You look at the person Infront of you.

"Sorry I left, my crew came across some problems and I didn't want to wake you up."

No time for crying, you remind yourself.

"So it wasn't a dream."

You mumble quietly and somehow he managed to hear it.

"A dream? What do you mean?"

You reach out your hand to touch his face, it is so warm compared to your cold hand.


You remove your hand from his face but he suddenly grabs it.

"Are you okay?

You feel a huge relief, as if something heavy has been removed from your heart.

"I'm alright, but I need to leave now or they'll start looking for me."

You were about to walk away but he tightens his grip on your hand.


You turn to him.

"Don't leave."

you felt a sudden stabbing sensation in your heart, what is this..feeling?

"You know I have to. "

His breathing pattern is shaky, you can't seem to figure out why.

"I can take you to Dressrosa with my ship, the boat will take too long, plus it's raining."

He can see your hesitation.

"I don't want to trouble you and your crew."

He suddenly interwines his hand with yours and starts walking towards the sea.

"You're coming with me."

You didn't even resist him, you want to stay with him even for a short period of time.

Suddenly, a Submarine appears out of nowhere.


"Welcome back Captain!"

They suddenly freeze when they see you.

"Captain, who is person?"

One of the crew members ask, is that..A BEAR?!

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