Chapter 75

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You and Law went back to the dining-room like nothing had happened, ignoring the fact that heart pirates were grinning like idiots by the time you two reappeared.

Straw hat pirates were also around, except Luffy, Nami and Robin.

Both of you settle down at the table and decided to drink plain water. Why?

You two are trying to sober up, remember?

Yamato suddenly sits down next to you and strikes a conversation, which you didn't really mind.
Law on the other hand...

You could feel the tension thicken as drunk Yamato jokingly wraps his arm around your shoulder, laughing outloud.

Raven head didn't like that..

Within a MILLISECOND, you found yourself in a completely different place, which later on you recognize it as Heart Pirates' Kitchen, in a SUBMARINE.

"What...the fuck?"

You glance at Law, who seems to be standing at the counter, you can't see his face but you already know he's extremely irritated.

"How far did you...expand your room? Didn't it waste your energy?"

He doesn't respond and continues making something on the counter.


You walk up to him from behind but he doesn't acknowledge it.

that's when you wrap your hands around his waist, giving him a back hug. He freezes on the spot when you lean in and plant kisses on his neck.
You grin as you watch his ears turn deep shades of red, feeling satisfied because you made him fail to ignore you.

"Y'know...if something is bothering you, you gotta tell me."

He sighs out.

"You didn't like that Yamato was being touchy?"

He hums in response, pouring a boiling water in two cups.

"He was testing my patience."

Finally..he spoke up.

"He knew what he was doing."

He hands you the cup of Tea and finally turns around, leaning onto the counter.

"Mhm...what else?"

He does a tsk, his face grows even more annoyed.

"The way he speaks with pisses me off."

You hum in response, taking a sip of your tea.

"It feels like he's doing it on purpose, especially when I'm around."

This isn't the first time Law has expressed his jealousy, but it still feels unreal.
You take a sip of your tea and put the cup on the counter. Then you lean in and kiss him, completely catching him by surprise.
He immediately kisses you back, delicately wrapping his hands around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
You break the kiss and lean into his ear.

"Yamato can annoy you all he wants...but he's fully aware that you're the only one in my heart."

"In your heart, huh?.."

You watch as his eyes light up a little, a smirk forms on his lips. Without wasting a second, he pulls you in for another heated kiss.

⚠️(Smut. If u don't want to read it, scroll down till the dots appear.)⚠️

Law reaches for your neck, carefully tracing your jawline with his fingers, you could feel the goosebumps forming on your skin, making your breath hitch in response.

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