Chapter 4

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Training after training, your body is covered in countless of bruises, scars and wounds.

After what had happened, you were thrown into a cage and locked up in seastone shackles from head to toe, like a  wild animal.
That's how every day life was like for the past 10 years.
After the incident from ten years ago, Doflamingo found it hard to trust you again, therefore he moved you to a very remote island.

Everything from that point on went downhill, you've completely lost the little freedom you had.

You aren't allowed to explore the island alone, let alone leave. People are required to cuff you with seastones at all times.

If you happened to go on a mission
(which is quite rare) other Donquixote family members were equired to be with you.
Durning the missions, you were ordered by Doflamingo to wear a blindfold or a Veil and you were forbidden to take it off. You were also forbidden to take off your cuffs.

You trained every single day to strengthen your Haki, but you knew well that you couldn't escape at anytime you wanted.
You needed to find a perfect timing to slip away from Doflamingo's grasp, until had to be extremely patient.

You were required to stay in a room with a large gate attached to it. for you, that place felt nothing but a cage. A cage for an animal.
Thankfully, you had an access to some books and managed to get your hands on some of the forbidden ones, of course.. without Doflamingo's knowledge.

You skillfully hid them behind the walls and effortlessly kept them as your secret.

Doflamingo also didn't know about your knowledge of your ancestry.

(thanks to Corazon)
You know you're the descendant of Celestial Dragons from Doflamingo's side, but your mother's side is currently unknown.

Suddenly, you heard the seastone gate open.

You couldn't care less because you were currently in the ceiling, hanging on a silk curtain that functioned as a swing for you. Those silk curtains were quite entraining to fool around with, especially when you were bored out of your mind. You would climb and slip onto the other.

"Y'know those curtains are expensive right?"

You hear Vergo's voice. You didn't care if they were expensive, in would destroy the whole room if you were to put enough effort into it.

"What do you want?"

You asked him in an annoyed tone, half of your attention was focused on the book in your hands.

"Master has ordered me to bring you to him."

You put the book down and looked at him straight in the eyes.

"For what reason? "
"I'm not allowed to disclose it here."

You quickly jumped from one curtain to another and suddenly slipped down, letting your hand run though the silk.

Vergo instinctively sticks out his hands, afraid that you'd fall. You stopped slipping the moment you were about to make contact with the floor.
Vergo grunts, feeling annoying by the little stunt, and grabbed your arm.

"C'mon, he's waiting. We need to get there in 2 days."

He only locked your hands in cuffs, since your legs had always been locked in the first place.

"Where exactly are we meeting him?"
He walked out, gesturing you to follow him.

"You'll see."

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