Chapter 45

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You didn't expect to find a diary, let alone written in an ancient text of Poneglyphs.

You're trying to read it but you can barely make out a word. You've been sitting in the bedroom, searching through drawers, only to find more and more notes and letters written in ancient texts.
Even though your mother taught you how to read it, it has been a very long time. It's logical that you're struggling to read it.

"Law, I found some-"

You don't even realize how long you've been in there, until you go back into the living room only to find Law, leaning on the couch, dead sleep like some victorian child.
Judging by his darkened under eyes, he must've been sleepless for a while. He looks absolutely exhausted.

Dumbass doesn't worry about himself but he keeps nagging you, nothing escapes his eye when it comes to you.

You smile to yourself and carefully put a blanket on him, he didn't even budge.

You observe his face and notice that his stubble grew a little. You found it oddly attractive.

You reach out your hand to touch his face but you stop. Something came over your mind which immediately killed your mood.

The night when you confessed to him, but you doubt that he even remembers it.

Great, now you ruined your own mood.

You decided to step outside for some fresh air since the snow has stopped.
You quietly close the front door behind you and follow the path that leads to a yard. You found yourself heading towards the backyard once again.
You want to see the pond again, you feel like it's calling you..

The moment you step Infront of the pond, you stare at it, feeling mesmerized by it's beauty.

The more you stare at it, the more captivating it becomes, you don't know how that's possible.

Before you knew it, you found yourself stepping into the pond with your bare feet.
The water wasn't cold at all, it was strangely warm... despite the cold weather.
As soon you move your feet in the water, a neon blue light appears underwater, catching you off guard.
Then it slowly disappears when you stop moving.

You reach down your hand to feel the water and the neon light appears once again, it had a strange tingling feeling, as if it was dancing along your fingers.
You found this quite interesting, as you stepped deep into the water.
Suddenly the neon trail is light sways away from you, they start leading towards something Infront of you.

Curious, you step deeper into the water, to the point where it is already reaching your hips and follow the trail of neon light with your eyes.

The light suddenly stops, it starts if it is pointing towards something.


You heard a voice in your head, it wasn't an alarming voice. It was calm, with not even a hint of Ill intent.
Your instinctively lean towards the water to get a better look of "something" that the light was pointing towards at.

That "something" is underwater.

You dive your hands into the water and grab the item. Something was keeping it attached underwater, therefore it took you more than pulling to take it out of the water.

With a full force, you pull it out of water.
Suddenly, the water goes cold as ice, the trail of neon blue light disappears underwater. The only thing glowing in a red light in your trembling hands was..

"A scythe?..."

You whisper out, feeling your vision going blurry.

Law jumps up from his seat, fully awake. He had a bad nightmare but oddly enough, he remembers nothing about it.

A strange gut feeling fills him up, he looks around the living-room to find it empty. He stands up and stretches his arms, walks up the bedroom door and knocks on it multiple times.


Then he opens the door to find the bedroom completely empty.
That's when he decides to head outside, towards the yard. He wasn't listening to his gut feeling at all, which is unusual of him.

He didn't call out your name in fear of locals hearing you two, therefore he stayed quiet and headed towards the backyard.

Law could feel the cold sweat trickling down his forehead, his breathing is a little heavy. He's doesn't know what's wrong with him.

An unusual looking pond suddenly catches his eye, the more he got closer to the pond, the more of his senses started to dull. The beauty of the pond captivated him, it's calling him to come closer and closer.

Thats when he forces himself to snap back to his senses and stop Infront of the pond.
He looks at the Sakura tree, leaning towards the pond. Sakura petals are dropping in water, one by one. The sight of it is oddly satisfying, he doesn't know why.

Suddenly, he felt someone's presence.
He glances towards the Sakura tree's branch, only to see you sitting there.
You're seated on the branch, with an unreadable expression on your face. Law glances down at your hands and notices a scythe. That's when he felt his stomach drop.

The scythe had a strange, red aura surrounding it. Nevertheless, you had a good grip on it, slowly trailing its handle, which is decorated in symbols.

Law watches as a smirk forms on your face.

"Are you scared me, Law?"

That's when Law notices that he has his hand on his Sword, ready to unsheath it. His gut feeling was telling him that something was wrong with you.

Your voice sends chills down his spine, it sounds far more different that you usually sound.

Law doesn't return an answer, he keeps gazing at you. That's when your smirk drops and you glance at him.
He locks eyes with your glowing red eyes. captivating...yet full of danger.
Yet, he can't look away from you.
The scythe's red aura suddenly starts coating your body, creating an undescribable amount of pressure in the area.

The scythe is cursed, Law realized that.

He stared at your hands that are coated in haki, the scythe is taking away your life energy..

He felt himself getting dizzy, he could no longer keep his balance. The pressuring aura has gotten to him.

"Drop it...Y/n.."

He says to you, but you tighten up the grip on your scythe.


He felt his head hitting something hard as his mind drifts into complete voidness.

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