Chapter 73

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Your POV:

You wake up gasping for air, coughing up the water you had just swallowed. You found yourself able to walk on the surface of the water.. your surrounds are quite familiar.

It's the same place where you usually talk to your Alternative Ego - Red.

This place is like a maze, constantly changing back and forth. It isn't too difficult to figure out who created it.

"Damn it.."

You sulk, feeling afraid of what Red might do.
They have never switched places with you without permission, but now...they've crossed a line.

You start running around the maze, trying to look for the way out. Red mentioned that five minutes here equals an hour.

Feeling even more panicked, you start observing even the slightest details of this place.
But you couldn't find anything...not even a clue on how to get out.

You remember the only way you could get here, was when you fell asleep.

If Red sleeps...they could reappear here, but that will take too long.

They most definitely will hurt someone..which is NOT what you're looking forward to.

You look down at your feet, looking at your reflection in the water.
That's when you get an idea..

Nobody's Pov.

(Reminder that Red's pronouns are also They/them)

Red is standing in the kitchen, preparing to boil rice in order to make Onigiri.

Nobody had noticed their presence, not even Law.

"Father, I've told you!-"

Red heard someone whispering in the hallway.

"I've already told you Lami. It's up to you whether you want to go with your brother or not."

Lami and King...

They walk closer to the kitchen.

"But- oh..Hey Y/n-san! Why are you up so early?"

King and Lami walk into the kitchen.

"Morning you two, I'm going to make some Onigiri. Y''s Law's favorite."

King observes his surroundings, detecting an unusual aura.

"I see, Lucky brother."

Red smirks and goes back to looking for ingredients.

"I'll make some for you two, take a seat."

Lami and King proceed to take a seat at the table, right next to the counter.

"Y/ and my brother are pretty close right?"

"You could say that.."

Lami chuckles in response.

"Do you love my brother?"

Red freezes on the spot and instantly respond.


They answer coldly. The room goes deadly silent and Red's smirk drops.

King and Lami might find this a bit suspicious.

after a minute Red realizes their mistake correct it.

" course not..haha.."

Lami laughs outloud.

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