Chapter 14

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A sudden scream of Luffy snaps you back to reality.

"Where's Luffy?!"

Law grabs your wrist and leads you into the forest.


you hear your brother's horrifying screams from the distance. Numerous things were being destroyed in the process.


You were about to call out his name but your own words got stuck in your throat.
At that moment, you spot Jimbei trying to stop Luffy from going mad.

"I know you've lost a lot! And the toughest enemies blocked your way time by time!"

Jimbei is holding him still, while Luffy struggles to break free.

"You'll never find your way like this! Because you've lost yourself in Guilt and regret!"

Whatever Jimbei is saying also applies to you.
The amount of rage that resides within you is getting unbearable. It wishes to break free and wipe out everything that comes across it's way.

That would have definitely happened if Shanks hadn't arrived at the Marineford and stopped you.

"I know it's painful Luffy! But you have to bottle up those feelings! Don't just think about the ones you've lost! You can't get back what you've lost!"

Law immediately notices your expression and sets his hand on your shoulder, trying to comfort you.


this question that Jimbei asked Luffy suddenly opens your eyes.

What is it that I still have?

You ask yourself and without losing a second, you glance at Law.


Then You glance at Luffy who has stopped struggling. Jimbei lets him go, he slowly slips down on the ground with eyes full of tears.

"I still have my friends!"

He yells out of relief.
Slowly, you start walking up to him, while holding his Straw Hat.
Jimbei notices your presence and smiles.


He grabs Luffy's attention.
Luffy glances at you and his eyes immediately go wide open. Another wave of tears come strolling down his face.
You crouch down at his height and put a straw hat on his head.


He struggles to form a word.


with that, he jumps into your arms. Your heart was shaken by his reaction, you didn't think he would react like this.
He starts sobbing uncontrollably, his whole body is trembling.


you held yourself back from tearing up and give him a smile.

"Of course I am."

Seems like Jimbei hasn't told him about you.

"I knew you'd arrive here Y/n. I wanted Luffy to find out about you himself."

You nod and look over to Luffy, he still seems to be crying.

"No more crying now. You're planning to reunite with your friends, aren't you?"

He nods, wiping away his tears.
You look behind you and notice that Law is no longer there.
Jimbei offered to carry Luffy out of the forest, so all of you could meet up with the heart pirates.

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