Chapter 30

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Near the eastern port, you and Law had a private conversation with Sengoku concerning Corazon.
After discussing how much Corazon meant to each of you, Law revealed himself to be a "D" and asked Sengoku about it. Sengoku was surprised at the revelation but did not answer Law's question although you also wanted to hear the answer.
Afterwards Sengoku turns to you.

"What Fujitora said about your parents is true. We were unable to prevent their deaths due to our foolishness."

You sigh, debating whether you should be mad or just disappointed.

"What you did back there is truely.. admirable.
No person with a blood of a noble would bow down Infront of citizens, asking for forgiveness."

"I don't consider myself as a noble..besides I'm sure my father would've done the same thing if he was still alive."

"You're right."

Law agrees with you.
Suddenly, Sengoku takes out a letter and hands it to you.

"I don't know the contents of this letter, but all I know, Is that Rosinante wanted to send it to his wife a few days before she was killed by Doflamingo."

"I don't recall any memories of Corazon being in my life, not until Doflamingo kidnapped me.."

"He did it for the sake of your safety, along with Aurora's..until that tragic day.."

"What connection did my mother have with Doflamingo?"

"Before Corazon and Aurora met each other, a rumor went around regarding your mother.
She must've had some sort of connection with Doflamingo. Later on, she ended everything with him and left for good.
That's around the time when Doflamingo became merciless, destroying city after city, wiping off towns, not even leaving a single brick behind. Who knows... perhaps Aurora's absence effected him badly. "

"Did he find out that Aurora and Rosinante got married?"

Law asks this time.

"Rosinante wished to keep his relationship with Aurora extremely private. Only I was aware of their marriage along with several trusted people."

Sengoku turns to you.

"After your Mother's death, Doflamingo didn't even know you were Rosinante's child, he was convinced that you were his."

You cup your head in his hand, taking in the information.

"When did he find out?"

"Doflamingo managed to sneak in a spy in our headquarters. His name was Vergo.
Vergo managed to read the contents of this letter I just gave you and reported it back to Doflamingo.
This.. happened when Rosinante contacted me, concerned about Op-Op fruit's location."

You and Law look at eachother.

"Just like that..Vergo managed to ruin both our lives..."

You mumble under your breath.

"Cora-san managed to obtain confidential information regarding Dressrosa. He asked me to deliver it to a marine that night..only if I hadn't given it to Vergo..
Dressrosa would've been saved.."

Law states regrettably, You sigh loudly and fix your posture.

"Listen you two."

Sengoku turns to both of you once again.

" We all have regrets in this life.
Nevertheless, you two shouldn't spend rest of your lives putting yourselves down for the mistakes you've done.
Live your lives as Rosinante or Aurora would've wanted. "

Live your life with no regrets.
It hits a bomb.
You thought as soon as Doflamingo would be defeated, you'd no longer want anything. You'd no longer desire anything else.
But now..
You want to live your life at its fullest.

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