Chapter 27

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Despite Doflamingo's best efforts to stop Luffy's death blow, he still got struck and ended up falling deep into a hole, which has been formed into a ground.

You spot Luffy also falling from the sky, you quickly turn to Law.

"Switch Luffy's place with mine."

you give him a death glare, he sends one back.

"Don't do something stupid."

He creates a room and uses Shambles to switch your place with Luffy's.
You got teleported in mid air, while looking down, you see Doflamingo's unconscious body laying on the ground.

He has been defeated..

Luffy defeated him.

You were far too weak to defeat him..

Pure anger fills you up as you take out a gun and point it at Doflamingo's head.

"Karma has caught up with you, Joker."

You recharge the gun, ready to shoot him.

" would be unfair of me to kill you, right?
After brother was the one that defeated you."

You pull away the gun, the exact same gun that he used to kill your mother and your real Father.
You got a hold of his collar, you don't care if he's still conscious or not.

"Consider yourself lucky, I'm letting you live for now."

You heard his breath hitch, meaning that he's still somewhat awake.

"If you ever decide to reappear again, I'll put an end to your whole existence."

You observe his face without that annoying Glasses. He looks nothing like Corazon...
His face is full of hatred.

"For now...I'll enjoy the fact that you'll slowly rot away in Impel Down."

You didn't let go off his collar, instead - you start dragging him out of the hole. You lift yourself up with water, also taking him with you.

Once you land on the ground, you slowly drag Doflamingo towards the Marines. People observe you in pure shock and silence as you stop Infront of Admiral himself, Fujitora.

You let go off Doflamingo's collar, he immediately drops down on the ground. Deep down, He must be feeling humiliated!

"Please leave him to us, we'll handle him accordingly."

He sounds genuine, a little too genuine.

"Is that so?

You chuckle in disbelief.

"Do you sense it? Can you hear the plead of people, who wish to seek an actual Justice?"

Admiral stays silent.

"What is it that World Government is trying to protect? Because that definitely isn't Justice that you're so proud of."

Marine soldiers are silent.

"I'll take responsibility for the sins this man has committed, but what has been done can't be undone."

You turn your back on Fujitora and look at the crowd of people who have been listening to you all this time. You spot king Riku, Viola, Rebecca and countless of citizens standing Infront of you.
You get on your kneel down before them, they stare at you in shock.

"I apologize on behalf of this man and the countless of sins he has committed. I'm aware that apologizing won't undo this terrible tragedy, but I'll do anything in my power to help this country and it's people."

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