Chapter 5

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You're now on a Boat, on your way to Dressrosa.

"Y/n-san, After all these members were describing you as an emotionless beast. You're nothing like that!"

"I can turn into one if a certain situation requires me to."

She sighs out of exhaustion.

"You're close to him, aren't you?"

You recall some of the memories, they almost feel like yesterday.

"You could say that."

"What do we do? How do we explain this to Doflamingo?"
"Simple, we'll just tell him that Devil fruit owner managed to escape durning this Chaos. Besides, I'm pretty sure Disco has reported everything to him."

You reach in your pocket and take out a little den den Mushi.
You're grateful Law gave you that, you can finally contact him again.

"If we happen to get in trouble, I'll take all the responsibility. After all, I've dragged you into this mess."

"Y/n, you can't do that. Doflamingo already doesn't trust you, do you wish to make things worse?"

"I don't need his trust."

You smile, recalling your plans you've been making up for the past few years.

"In fact, all I need is time till I overthrow his entire system."

Violet is shocked.


"I'll help your country to get their freedom back."

She slowly starts tearing up.


She jumps up and hugs you.

"I can't believe you'd say this.

You comfort her as she tells you everything that has happened to dressrosa, in a very specific details.

"He isn't here?"
You've finally arrived to Dressrosa and Trebol has informed you that Doflamingo has left.

"Behehe, haven't you read the newspaper?"

He passes you the newspaper.

Breaking news!
Warworld Donquixote Doflamingo's descendant
Donquixote Y/n has finally made their appearance!
Citizens have stated that Y/n's visuals come close to the Warlord Boa Hancock!...

You blankly stare at the newspaper, then scoff in annoyance. You certainly didn't need that kind of attention.

"Behehe, people have recognized you! They seem to be comparing you to Pirate empress herself!"

"I certainly don't wish to make enemies with that Woman."

You throw the newspaper back at him.

"Seems like you still have those seastone cuffs strapped on your legs! Behehehee"

He's trying to tick you off. Obviously, you had to get a fake one and put it on yourself to not cause a suspicion.

"Now tell me, where is my father?"

"Hehe, I'm not allowed to disclose that information! But you can call him and ask him yourself!"

So that's what you did.

" Y/n. Are you back to dressrosa?"

He immediately picked up, was he waiting for your call?..

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