Chapter 60

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A cold wind brushes against your face as you find yourself walking around some sort of maze.
The structure of it, is so complex that you couldn't find a start nor an end of it. It looks like it goes on for an eternity...
Last time you were in bed.

What are you doing here? this a dream?..

"My...oh my.."

You heard a voice, echoing through the hall.
Strangely enough, that voice sounds extremely familiar.

"I certainly didn't expect you to appear here."

You felt a cold pair of hands on your shoulders, sending shivers down your spine.
You quickly turn around in surprise, to face the person.
That person...looks exactly like you.
Except the red glowing eyes, alerting you of some sort of danger.

Danger?..or are you just cautious?

"Who are you?"

They laugh unpleasantly. The aura around them is far more different than yours.

"Silly...I am YOU."

They walk up to you and you start backing away.

"Although me and you are far more different, combined..or should I say - together, we are our own person."

"What exactly are you implying to?"

They smirk and turn to you once again.

"I hold your hatred and every single negativity that you've experienced through out your life."

They start walking around, circling you.

"You're trying SO hard to ignore me huh?..too bad.
That has led to consequences now and you can't undo it...unless.."


"Unless we work together."


They laugh out loud.

"Seems like you don't understand what's going on with your mind right now."

They appear right Infront of you and grabs your shoulders tightly.

"Both of us are constantly trying to take control of a single physical body, do you know what that means?"

You stay silent, waiting for them to answer for you.

"That means no matter how hard you'll try to live normally, you'll always be unstable and constantly have to deal with an unwanted alternative ego that tries to steal away your life."

They let go of you and stare at you with an unreadable look on their face.
The amount of pain and agony you read off of their eyes is undescribable.
Nevertheless, they're quite good at hiding it.

"What did you mean by...working together?"

They smirk a little upon hearing this question.

"We do what has to be done, together."

"But that also means switching back and forth"

She chuckles a little.

"True, but you'll see everything I'll do and I'll see everything you'll do."

"It's not like you haven't seen what I've done lately."

" you're aware that I've been observing you?"

"I've been fully aware for a long time."

She backs away from you, perhaps a little surprised.

"I've known about your existence for a long time and quite frankly, I never cared."

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