Chapter 47

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You're sitting on the Sakura tree, in your backyard. Observing the pond beneath you.
A cold but gentle wind brushes through your wet hair. You felt the breeze rushing through your body, enjoy sitting there.

You are also not minding the fact that Law has just fainted Infront of you.

"How harsh.."

You look towards the direction of the voice and find a Woman. Short blonde hair, emerald eyes..She doesn't look too old..some would think she's in her 40s, but you know it's not true. she slowly walks up to Law and crouches down near him.

"So.. it's you.."

You mumble under your breath. She looks just like in the picture.

"So you're Y/n, hm? I've been waiting to meet you."


You stare at her coldly.

" cold! This is the first time meeting your granny! Be nice."

You stare at her in disbelief and slip off of the Sakura tree.

"You see this?"

You pull the Scythe from your back, her face immediately turns pale.

"How did you.."

Before she could finish her word, you Lift up Law in your arms and answer her.

"The pond besically led me to this Scythe, I pulled it out without a problem."

You start walking back to the front yard, she slowly follows you from behind.

"Let's just say...this Scythe has memories of the previous user."


You nod in response, entering the house through the front yard.

"Seems like you two never got along."

Seeing through your mother's memories has drastically changed your plans. It feels like a heavy weight has been put on your brain.
The amount of information you just gained simply by touching this weapon is too much for your mind to process.

"what can I say? We were completely different people."

You lay Law down on the couch.

"This young man has his head injured! what did you do to him?!"

"He fainted, not my fault."

"Not your fault?? Pfft..let me go get some bandages."

You put your hand on his shoulder and close your eyes. You didn't want to do this need him to stay asleep for a while, even if It means..casting an illusion in his mind.

Yui quickly brings a cold water and some bandages. You soak a little bandage in cold water and press it onto Law's head.
Grandma is watching you carefully, you didn't want to glance at aren't sure why.

Her face reminds you of your mother too much, you don't want to have another break down.

"Look at that red hair..just like Aurora's..."

You give her a little glance and she chuckles.

"eyes like definitely got that from your father."

You sigh, thinking of a way to change the conversation.

"Why is this house abandoned?"

Her smile drops a little as she scoots over a chair and sits on it.

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