Chapter 2

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baby 5 has been been banging on your door for ten minutes straight, refusing to leave you alone.

"What do you want?"

You peek out of the door, glaring at her.


You stare at her, baffled.

"Who are you talking about?"

"You don't know?? A kid recently came here, he wants to join our family!"

You were lost in your thoughts, wondering why a mere kid would want to join this horrible family.


"That's why I came here for! We're about to find out! C'mon, Doffy wants you to be there."

Feeling a little curious, you finally step out of your safe space and make your way into the meeting room.
Everyone exclaims out of surprise the moment you enter the room, probably because you have never showed up willingly.

"Oh? Seems like you've finally decided to show yourself, my dear child."

You ignored your father's words and stood next to him, inspecting a pale boy Infront of you. He looked like he hasn't eaten for a while, his body was full of burn marks and bruises. Not to mention, he had bombs strapped all over him.

"Tell me Y/n, what stroke your curiousity? "

Doflamingo turns to you, with a menacing smile.

"Continue whatever you were about to do."

You dodge his question, he proceeds to chuckle.

"Let me join your pirate group."

The little boy Infront of you speaks up, Doflamingo becomes intrigued.

"I wish to destroy everything I see! Towns, houses, people...I wanna destroy them all!!"
The little boy exclaimed with pure rage in his eyes.
You stare at him in complete shock.

"I...grew up in the White Town - Flevance.
It's not so long..till I die."

After all these years of void, for the first time in years, you felt bad for the little boy Infront of you.
Doflamingo turns to you with a grin.

"Y/n, what do you say? Should we let him join?"

You turn to the little boy Infront of you, he stares at you with his dull eyes.

"I think you should leave this place."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Suit yourself."

You walk past him, open the door and slam it behind you.
You felt frustrated, because he is willing to waste the last moments of his life with these terrible people. The amount of hatred you saw in him strangely reminded you of your father, which freaks you out even more.

To turn out like Doflamingo? You wouldn't even wish that upon your worst enemy...

"Uncle, have you heard about that boy that recently came here?"

"Yes..I have."

you're currently talking to your Uncle, Corazon. Of course..all of this is happening is a secret between you two.

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