Chapter 20

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Morning has come, you're sitting on your bed, disappointingly enough, another side of the bed is cold.
He has left, once again.

You don't know how to feel, should you feel angry? disappointed? Or sad? Either way, the fact that he's no longer here confirms one thing.
Whatever you two did was just a temporary relief, perhaps a one time thing.

Atleast that's what he considered it as.

You drag your sore body across the bed and reach out for your den den Mushi.
The one that Law gave you to contact him.
You always keep it by your side for some reason...

You call him but every time he hangs up you keep calling him over and over again. didn't want to accept it. You were in absolute denial.

How could he..leave you like that?
In the end, he completely turned off his den den mushi, which no longer allowed yours to call.

You sat on your bed for good ten minutes, staring at you den den Mushi, hoping that a miracle would happen and he would call back.

You force yourself to get up, despite the soreness around your area and drag yourself towards a mirror.

That's when you see your body covered in hickeys.
Is this his way of leaving his trace?

You should have felt something by seeing those marks on yourself but instead...all you felt is disgust.

You felt disgusted in yourself for giving in so easily. For being so desperate for him.

Now look where you ended up!

Despite he left you, you still love him, you still crave for him, you still want him.

You grab the den den Mushi in anger and smash it across the wall.

Tears of anger are pouring out of your eyes as you tightly grip on the bracelet he gave you a decade ago.
Suddenly, it shatters into peaces and scatters around the floor.
You felt an instant regret, since this bracelet has been the most precious thing to you.

The most precious thing that he gave it to you.
You stop yourself from crouching down and picking up the remaining pieces of the bracelet.
"I don't need it anymore" you thought.

You don't remember how, but you ended up outside at the Rocky Port. Only to see countless of pirates on the floor. Marines were carrying each of them out of the place.
It was an absolute disaster.
Suddenly, your den den mushi starts calling.
You pick up and hear Violet's panicked voice.

"Y/n-n! I'm sorry for calling you out of nowhere!"

"What happened? Just spit it out."

She must have noticed traces of anger in your voice.

"Check the newspaper and call me back."

She hangs up, leaving you in daze.
Finally, you got a hold of a newspaper and you start reading it.

"Trafalgar Law
Mastermind of a Rocky Port Incident..."

You could barely make out half of the words that was on the newspaper, you were so lost in your thoughts. The only thing you understood is that he stole hearts of countless of pirates hearts durning this incident.

Your breath hitches as you slowly reach your hand to touch your chest.
You couldn't feel your own heartbeat.

He stole your heart.

This means...he can kill you at any moment.
You punch the wall in anger, completely destroying it in the process.
You instantly regret destroying that den den Mushi, since that's the only way you could contact him.

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