Chapter 35

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You woke up on the fluffiest fur you've ever felt in your life. Confused, you lift up your head only to realize that you've been hugging Bepo while you were asleep.

"Captain went to get wood.."

Bepo says in a very sleepy voice, he still looks half asleep. You lay your head on his fur again and giggle, it was ticklish.

"So fluffy.."

You state while hugging him. He was too sleepy to even move at that point.

"You're like a giant teddy bear.."

He lifts up his head, looking towards another direction.

"Oh.. captain has returned.."

He says in a sleepy voice while glancing at Law, who seems to be carrying some wood.
You lazily lift up your head and glance at Law. He looks at you two with an unreadable look on his face.
You bury your head back into Bepo's fluffy fur, feeling yourself drift off to sleep again.
Bepo fully woke up and noticed you hugging him.

"Don't move, Y/n's asleep."

Law warns him, Bepo nervously nods.
Other crew mates have appeared and noticed you snuggling up to the Polar Bear. They silently chuckle while Law kept shooting daggers at them.

"I don't blame them, who wouldn't love to hug Bepo?"
You lazily lift up your head, slowly opening your eyes.

"Good morning"

Says Bepo, you slowly get off of him with an apologetic look.

"Good morning..sorry I kept hugging you, did I make you uncomfortable?"

"Oh-h! Of course not!"

You chuckle at his nervousness and turn towards the Crew.
They seem to be doing their own thing.
You look into the forest, while yawning and stretching your arms. All of a sudden, you spot a familiar green haired fellow from far away. He was looking around the forest with a puzzled expression on his face.
Did he get lost?.


you yell out his name and caught his attention.

"Over here!"

You wave at him. He picks up bunch of wood and brings it over to you.

"Did you get lost?"


His ears turns a little red, giving you an obvious answer.

"He has a terrible sense of direction."

Law comments from afar.

"Shut up, Torao."

You chuckle in response.

"I can help you with-"

"Don't even think about it. Your fever hasn't gone done."

You turn to Law, feeling annoyed.

"I'm not a glass, I'll be fine."

You subconsciously grab Zoro's wrist, leading him into the forest.
Zoro started chopping up some trees and laying out the wood on the ground. Meanwhile you were glancing at the beautiful river scenery in front of you.
Without giving it a thought, you take off your shoes and step into the ice cold water, which reached up to your ankles.
The nostalgic feeling made you feel like a child again. You take a walk around, smiling like a fool. You completely forgot about Zoro's presence.

"What are you doing?"

You turn to him and give him a small smile.

"Remembering my childhood."

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