Chapter 15

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You're currently at the Marineford.

You, Jinbe and Rayleigh are distracting the Marines while Luffy runs to the Ox Bell. While news reporters and other bystanders watch him, Luffy rings the bell sixteen times. He then dropped a bouquet of flowers into the largest crack in the ground, put his straw hat to his chest, and closed his eyes. The reporters excitedly photographed the incident.

The ringing of the bell signifies the end of one year and the beginning of another. The meaning of it can be interpreted as the end of one era and the beginning of another.
But in reality, Luffy did this as a distraction in order to deliver his message to his friends.
His message was written on his Arm, 3D2Y
3D crossed out, representing the amount of time the crew would be separate...which is 2 years.

"Captain!! What are we waiting for?! Let's go the New world already!!"

"Big time Rookies who want to become one of the emperor's are rushing to the New World!"

"There's no time to lose! We'll be beaten by everybody else!"

Law is leaning onto Sleeping Bepo, with an amused look on his face.

"It's better for us if they're trying to destroy one another. We won't get involved in those petty fights."

The heart pirates frown.

"Stop griping and follow me. We'll get what we want at any cost!"

The heart pirates exclaim in excitement.


"We will follow you forever!!"

"Aye aye captain!! You can count on me..."

Bepo seems to be sleep talking.


crew exclaims in surprise

"I'm sorry..."

Bepo mumbles in his sleep.

"Don't apologize while you're asleep!!!"

Suddenly a crew member rushes outside on the deck with a newspaper in his hands.

"What's wrong Hatchi?"

Law glances at his crew member.

"Captain! Please take a look!"

Law takes a look at the newspaper.

"Straw hat Luffy has rung the Ox interesting."

Then he takes a look at the picture and immediately notices the clue on his arm.
He chuckles, already connected the dots.

"Smart, there's no way he could've come up with this."

Remaining crew members come up to him to take a look at the newspaper.

"Wonder what he's planning to do.."

The Crew has started a discussion, Law also joins in. Without noticing it, a poster suddenly slips out of the newspaper. It lands on Bepo's face.
Bepo's eyes shoot open, he immediately grabs the poster.

"Huhh....what iss this.."

He can barely make out the words, because he's half asleep.

"Donq...uixo..te...Mmmm 500 000 000 berries.."

Upon reading out the last name, he sits up and reads the poster again.

"Donquixote Y/n..

500 000 000 berries."

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